Editing And Mastering Original Recordings, Beginner Basics |
Thu 9 Oct 2003, 14:58

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I just finished recording a new CD of original songs using a Roland VS-1880 Digital Recorder. Now I want to take those tracks, edit them and master them on my Mac G4 (OS X) and I'm educating myself on the processes involved.
Is the editing process where I would equalize the volumes of each song, so each is at the same level? Or is that part done in the mastering process?
Also, one song has some background noise (a car passing by - lol!) that is audible at the ending of the song, as it fades to 0db. Agian, is the editing process where I would remove that? Or would I best eliminate that in the mastering process?
Any knowledge shared about all this is greatly appreciated - I presently have ZERO understanding about editing and mastering.
Fri 10 Oct 2003, 13:58

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From: North Brunswick - US
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Thanks, bro'
I got rid of the traffic noise the way you suggested. I just ran a second mix and faded a bit sooner.
I have mastering capabilities in my Roland VS-1880 and I master each song when I run the final mixdown. But from what you said, I'm thinking maybe I've got it wrong? Should I just mix each song down to stereo tracks and AFTER they are all done, THEN master all of them together in one pass??
Got any good books to recommend?
Sat 11 Oct 2003, 01:53

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From: North Brunswick - US
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Can you point me in the right direction to search for your interview with Mr. Seva? I'd like to read it. What search perameters ... what category or area of the site should I search?
Sat 11 Oct 2003, 16:11

Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 07-Oct 03
From: North Brunswick - US
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LOL! Did he mention "Don't Clip Digital Stuff" often enough?
That was a good read, man. Thanks.
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