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> Digital Performer 4 Problems Galore, DP4 issues on iMac running Jahuar on G3
Kevin Krohn
post Sun 3 Aug 2003, 01:11
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 03-Aug 03
From: Studio City - US
Member No.: 22,372


I just spent a thoroughly discouraging day trying to configure my G3 iMac running OS X.2.6 and Digital Performer 4 to record and play back both MIDI sequences and Reason files.

I started with a fairly convoluted rig, patched through a MIDI patchbay, finally winding up at my M-Audio Quattro interface. After trying forever in vain to get anywhere past receiving MIDI, I simply plugged one in and one out (to and from) my trusty Korg SG controller. Same result. I can get it to indicate MIDI is being received, but try as I might it WILL NOT PLAY BACK!

And, when I tried using the ReWire interface in DP4 to record a Reason loop, I encountered a crapload of problems, ranging from not being able to figure out how to record the loop as it exists in Reason (it would record one pass and then record silence) to not being able to figure out how to keep my project's tempo intact, to DP 4 graying out and failing to recognize the presence of the Reason mix again and again. AND, the one time I did get audio, it was stuttering so badly it was totally unusable!

PLEASE, if there's anyone out there who can help me, please e-mail me directly at, or IM me at KevinOnKeys on MSN Messenger or KevinOnKeysToo on AIM. I am expecting to spend all day Monday on the phone with the various tech support depts. of these manufacturers, and I'll bet you they not only give me attitude, they somehow don't manage to solve my problem. Am I going to have to ditch DP4 and buy a hardware hard disk recorder? Blast!

Thanks much, all.

Kevin K.
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