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> For Sale: Logic Platinum 6.0
post Fri 16 May 2003, 02:51
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For Sale: Logic Platinum 6.0

This post has been edited by formatj: Fri 26 May 2017, 22:55
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post Fri 16 May 2003, 17:24
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this is not uncommon... while I was searching for good deal on the Boss gt-6b bass fx pedal... I came across another site frum Australia advertising the unit for over $1000 US and I ended up buying it for $399. Go figure rolleyes.gif

I think it pays for consumers to research all available resources before making a purchase. I watch "used" parts for my Suzuki SV650 motorcycle sell on ebay for more than I can buy brand new at another online retailer. Another case of consumer ignorance or laziness if you ask me cool.gif

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G4 550mhz Tibook & Brand Spankin New Dual G5 2Ghz Power Mac with Tiger.
So long old OS9 apps :(
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post Wed 21 May 2003, 08:21
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Dear Oz,

I live in the States, and when I've visited my family in Scotland, I'm shocked to find a 1:1 ratio between prices on electronic gear, cd's and other high ticket items, when their value is closer to 65 cents on the pound. This is apparently a fix, a cartel, by international agreement. Support for this idea was given in an article I was reading on DVD's and how country codes are embedded essentially to maintain this situation. It sucks for the consumer, so be sure to check out US sites, as well as Ebay, if you're going to be spending more than a couple of dollars.
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Freestyle Rapper
post Sat 24 Apr 2004, 13:47
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Hey all I live in Australia and have ordered a copy of logic express that will be coming in in 3 days. Its retail price is 600 but I got a education discount to 320. Now were have you seen Logic Pro 6 for that cheap and how much would it cost for me to get it shipped to Australia? huh.gif
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post Sat 24 Apr 2004, 13:55
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not sure about shipping though cool.gif

<span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>Synthetic Tone</span>
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G4 550mhz Tibook & Brand Spankin New Dual G5 2Ghz Power Mac with Tiger.
So long old OS9 apps :(
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post Sat 5 Jun 2004, 07:40
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hey guys thanks for the links (yes im from oz too)

i don't see why there is such a huge markup thesedays. Or why it takes SO LONG to import software. I mean, it's a CD/DVD NOT a weapon of mass destruction, THUS it does not have to spend months at customs! (it took 2 months for my EWQL library to clear customs).

Have they ever thought about giving an option to have a 'bare-bones' import - where the importer may say download the software from the creator through some secure line, and then package it in a basic package with electronic manual and all and then send it to us locally? It would COMPLETELY bypass air-freight, customs, shipping costs, import gst and so on! THUS being cheaper, and the price would change with the exchange rate. "Oh no we can't do that, the government doesn't get their greedy hands on the import tax!"

Its porbably cheaper to fly to america, buy all the software for your studio, and then fly back. Hey, while your there u might as well get some hardware (and do it in groups to avoid being coined as as 'importer')
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