Arrangement Exercises |
Sat 29 Mar 2003, 20:49

Group: Members
Posts: 13
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From: Bilzen - BE
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cheers Jimmynitcher, cheers Midiwife !
im looking around for learning music theory on a computer, too. i have been in music school for two years, started when i was eightteen. those classes were on such a slow pace and found place on saturdaymornings (!) that i gave up following them. its not the first time after-hours music school's been a no-no to musicians. as far as score-reading goes i think a computer is a little too farfetched to look at as a mentor. but then what to do with ear-training - and not to mention musical dictation. i found more or less good excersises on www.good-ear.com, but the repetitiveness of prime-intervalls gets on my nerves a bit more than often ! so any advice on that aspect would be more than welcome
muchos thank yous
Dr Sghofd
Sun 30 Mar 2003, 23:15

Group: Members
Posts: 78
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From: Lyon - BS
Member No.: 15,290

Hugh!! BlackHawk does other way. He goes to the Hoagy carmichael site at Indiana University librairy. Can't give you exact adress. Easy to find. Many many many handscript music sheets. Great songs and beautiful music yonder. Great lessons about how to work. (Stardust, Georgia on my Mind, Lazy bones...) and no wasted time with ugly teachers. Many songs haves different scores for diff instruments. All songs (500 or so) by alphab. order. You can try with :"Colorado", you can have drum part, trombone part, 2 diff trumpet parts, bass, banjo, guitare, a good exercise, and really beautiful songs. That you can turn into a TECHNOID version If you can read parts. Otherwise, you can make loops, with easy passage. Have fun Hugh!!!
photo: HOAGY CARMICHAEL : Pionnier du "Hot"Jazz, pianiste habile, compositeur jazz, songwritter. "Stardust, Georgia on my Mind, Rockin'Chair,"+ nbx standarts. (+1981) Mélodies raffinées, Elegance, Piano***. CD?"Stardust"by NatKingCole
Sun 30 Mar 2003, 23:27

Group: Members
Posts: 78
Joined: 30-Mar 03
From: Lyon - BS
Member No.: 15,290

Hugh!!! Blackhawk sorry. MIDIWIFE not ugly teacher. she good advice about tempo on master in cubase, you can hurry and slow very easy. BlackHawk agree about ready made rythmikmidifile, but he is afraid it won't de long before you have thousands of them. And looking for an old chest to store them in your parents garage. Hugh!!!
photo: HOAGY CARMICHAEL : Pionnier du "Hot"Jazz, pianiste habile, compositeur jazz, songwritter. "Stardust, Georgia on my Mind, Rockin'Chair,"+ nbx standarts. (+1981) Mélodies raffinées, Elegance, Piano***. CD?"Stardust"by NatKingCole
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