Live Samplers, Help needed to find the right technology |
Sun 16 Mar 2003, 21:50

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From: Oslo - NO
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I am about to design the music / soundcsape for a dance performance and want to use a mix of pre-produced sound and real-time processing of voices and noises from the performers. I am looking for effective programmes that can sample and process in realtime. I know of course Max/MSP and is curious about the (Motu)Mach5, but are there other elegant programs out there?
Mon 17 Mar 2003, 14:13

Group: Members
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From: Drobak - NO
Member No.: 14,206

Try Live! from Ableton - it's a great program for live performance. I myself use it for sounddesign/modern dance performances and am very pleased with it. I've used Max/MSP before but Live is so much easier and intuitive. Lykke til!! mvh Petter Wiik komponist
Mon 17 Mar 2003, 20:51

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You should try Lisa, vers. 2.5 i think (mac stuff), very expressive real-time sampler with midi control, simpler than max/msp but much quiker to learn and easy to work with...
you can dowload it at, www.steim.nl, i dont know if this is the actual adress, but good work...
best, carlos santos
Mon 17 Mar 2003, 21:12

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 21-Jan 03
From: Oslo - NO
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Thanks to petterw and kactus for hints. I have been looking at Live but to me (from a distance) it seems focused on all kinds of hip synchronizing to tempos or beats, which is not what I need in this project. I am looking for maximum possibilities for tweaking and twisting the source sound, lets say taking a conversation between two people and making a wall of sound out of it, then filter, then add noise, then pitch it, then return to clean signal etc.etc. Lisa is next.Thanks again.
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