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> Laptop Os X Protools Argh!, help!
post Mon 3 Feb 2003, 06:51
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Hi, I'm a new Mac convert, totally sold on the Aqua interface etc., my question is, I've now found that ProTools isn't coming out with Os X support for a spell, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!!!! angry.gif I've got a recording gig in the next two weeks and was hoping to use my gorgeous PowerBook, to no avail. So I'm placing myself on the altar of the Mac music community--what do you guys recommend me do, in terms of a laptop recording solution, in the nick of time? Danke!
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post Mon 3 Feb 2003, 07:03
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If you have to use OS X buy a copy of Logic. It works very well under OS X.

Does your Powerbook boot under OS 9? If it does use that for the next few weeks while ProTools plays catchup.
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post Mon 3 Feb 2003, 07:20
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Thanks! I've heard that Logic 6 is nice--what about Motu's DP? And what interface should I use to record stuff in from? That's the part that's really troubling. Also, I'm not sure my powerbook boots in os 9, it's brand new, and it looks like it only has os x on it. it has that weird os 9 window that opens up when i try to run pro tools, but then pro tools just hangs with DAE open, or OMS or something.
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post Mon 3 Feb 2003, 07:36
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Which model powerbook do you have? The new 12 inch and 17 inch models only boot in OS X.

Have a look in your system preferences at "Startup Disk" and see if OS 9.2.2 is installed.

The "weird OS 9" window you are referring to is classic mode. OS 9 Music applications don't run in classic mode you will have to boot up in OS 9 to run them.

Logic 6 looks great and should be out this month. Logic 5.5 already works on OS X.
I've used Performer and Logic and much prefer Logic. Performer is not out for OS X yet.

Your choice of interface depends on your budget. I use RME gear which have good OS X drivers now (I am on a desktop machine though they should work on a powerbook).
They make the Multiface and Cardbus which will work on a powerbook with PCMCIA slot.

Cheaper interfaces are available from comapanies like Edirol such as the UA-5 (a USB interface)

You could also look at the MOTU 828 or 896 (firewire interfaces)
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post Mon 3 Feb 2003, 09:26
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IMHO, nothing good comes from using USB for audio. Danger, Will Robinson, there's just not enough bandwidth. Also, to me, there's something that just plain feels weird about using the same port for both my audio and my mouse. You know?

FormatJ, I'm curious about your Logic vs. DP comparison. I will soon be in the market for an OS X recording and sequencing solution for my TiBook, and my research so far has pointed to the motu 828 and DP. But you recommend Logic... do tell, please.

there can be hours between the so and the what of the so
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post Mon 3 Feb 2003, 19:39
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Hi, so I've got the new 15" powerbook, and when i hold the option key during boot-up, i have nada--don't know what's going on with that... so even if I already have the MBOX interface, should I go and order DP or Logic 6? Which one is more flexible? And the RME interface for firewire, is that nice? Or should I go with PCMCIA? Thanks for all your help!
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post Tue 4 Feb 2003, 02:11
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It's shipping!

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post Tue 4 Feb 2003, 02:58
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ARGH! MIDFEB! WHAT IS THAT!?!?!? I NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooo
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post Tue 4 Feb 2003, 12:19
Post #9

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Don't wait for the OSX version of Protools. You can get the upgrade for 75$ but DigiDesign says you'll have to wait up to 6 weeks (as from mid February) before you'll get it (check on

I have an Mbox and PTLE and it only works on OS9. You MUST install OS9. If you haven't got an OS9 install CD, you must borrow one and try it. I'm sure your local shop will lend you one if you explain the problem.

The only problem (a big one) is that your new Powerbook may not accept OS9. If it is the case, it's not because it's not clever enough. Apple has said they would incapacitate new Macs at some date (I don't know when), as they want to kill OS9?!?! I have a feeling they are just bluffing though. If they actually do it, they will kill a big part of themselves. Present OS9 users will just avoid buying new Macs for a few years. Unfortunately, the PC solution is just not good enough for musicians.

Anyway, OS9 is veeeery simple so there's no real learning curve. Just install what you need for music. Don't install games as they may cause extension conflicts.

If you've never used PT, it's quite simple for audio and you can get working quickly. If you have any problems with it, just ask.

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post Wed 5 Feb 2003, 14:29
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Thanks Presto! I've used PT before, but am more of a fan of Samplitude and Cubase, for no reason than use and comfort. But I've got a bit of a dilemma--I'm now thinkin' that a Emagic 6|2m is a nice thing to have, 'cuz it also has midi and stuff... but it's USB, not firewire connection-do you think it makes a huge difference in terms of operation that it's one not the other?
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