Wurlitzer Sound Which Sounds Right, Novice |
Wed 8 Jan 2003, 19:26

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Pleae can anyone help a novice as I have only just started this music malarkey having received Reason and Edirol keyboard for Xmas which is linked up to my Mac OS X. I have to say that obsession comes to mind having mastered the basics and I say that loosely!! I am trying to find the sound that is on trance and house, you know, the one that sounds like a Wurlitzer. I tried the Wurlitzer on NN-XT but it sound nothing like so if any of you experts out there can help a damsel in distress I would be eternally grateful.
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 13:36

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If you mean something like a Hammond organ sound, there's Native Instrument's B4 plug-in, though I don't think that's available for OS X yet. There's also Emagic's EVB3, which is excellent and can do pretty much any organ sound you could ever want, but you need to buy Logic as well in order to run it. In fact, you'd need another sequencer in order to run the B4, too - you can't run it in Reason. The best option (and least expensive) would be to search for SoundFonts or try the sample sites on the web - they're bound to have something along your Wurlitzer lines. Load 'em into the NN-XT and try a few out. Otherwise, try messing about with the sound of the Reason file - you can radically alter the character of a sound with Reason's EQ and FX. If you don't mean the Hammond organ sound, forget I said anything.
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 14:57

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Carol, I don't do trance and house, but if it's Wurli you want, I know nothing else will do.  Here are some pointers to places to get several varieties of that great grunge: http://www.thesoundsite.net/sfu_dirlist.tm...%20K%20Thru%20OScroll down near the bottom and download "Organ Wurlitzer PSR 740 (2,310KB)". That's a Wurli soundfont that you can load directly into the NN-XT by clicking the "Browse Patch" folder icon and navigating to wherever you've stored the soundfont. There are also many other organ soundfonts on that page in case you want to try others, since, as Rickenbacker said, it might be a B-3 sound or some other that you're lusting after. I believe that some of the organ soundfonts on that page that have "vintage" in the name also include some other Wurli sounds. Download all you want: they're free! There's also this commercial Refill package you can order: http://www.reasonrefills.com/dirtyrelics.htmlThat's "Dirty Ol' Relics," which has Rhodes, Hammonds, Wurlitzers, and other gritty old keyboard sounds. Raapie also has a Wurlitzer on one of his commercial CDs you can order: http://www.raapie.nl/review_retronica.htmI think there's also an Akai disk called "Vintage Keyboards" that may or may not have been converted to Refill. I don't have time to go searching at the moment, but check around for it. If you're serious about those sounds, you can order the Akai disk and a program (that only runs in OS 9 right now) called "CDXtract." It will convert Akai programs to Soundfonts, which you then can load directly into the NN-XT. Finally, I'm wondering it you *might* not be thinking of a Rhodes electric piano sound. If so, there are some included with Reason that you might want to try out, and there are quite a few free Rhodes soundfonts and refills around. You just have to do some web surfing to find them. The urls above should give you some jumping-off points. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 19:04
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I don't use Reason but I know what you mean about finding a good Wurlitzer sound (there are many parameters). I'm going to get the Lounge Lizard (VSTi) soon, but that won't do you any good.
You might visit the Web sites for various instruments (Emagic, Applied-Acoustics, etc.) to find an example of the sound you're looking for (and post the link here) so that the Reason experts here can point you in the right direction for that app.
Sun 4 May 2003, 18:01


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If you got a place for me to upload it, I think I have and old wurlitzer sample I made my self some 15 years ago. Originally sampled it in my old EPS. I have the file both in the old EPS-format and have read it in and konverted it to my Kurzweil K2000 - no keymaps though in K2000 format.
Sample is certainly low-fi enough to be useful. Sounds to me - like a cross between Wurlitzer & slightly distorted Rhodes
Cheers: Dixiechicken
================== Oh my god it's full of stars… --------------------------------------------------- Mac-G5-2x.2.0, OS-X 10.5.1, 250/200Gb HD - 7.0Gb ram DP-5.13, Motu 828 MK-II, MTP AV Usb, ltst drvs, Kurzweil-2000, EPS-16, Proteus-2000, Yamaha 01V Emes Kobalt monitors ================================
Thu 12 Jun 2003, 23:54


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I think in order to help carolcox, we all need to know what Wurlitzer she is talking about. When I think about a Wurlitzer, I think of the vintage Wurlitzer electric piano sound as I think dixiechicken did. But Wurlitzer also made a famous organ model or two ages ago that some of the other posts are referring to as they are suggesting Hammond B3s and such. So, carolcox -- which is it, hon? Which Wurlitzer are you wanting the sound for? The Wurlitzer electric piano... or the Wurlitzer organ. Then we can get together and help you better. (My guess is your talking about the electric piano.) Good luck to you! Thanx.
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