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> Keyboard Player Looking For Expert On Classic Rock, Earn $$$$ if good.
Bob Rivers
post Wed 26 Dec 2007, 08:35
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I am an experienced producer, radio host, recording artist (Comedy), and playing keyboards in a tribute band. I am not that great, but I can rehearse my butt off, if someone can figure out the parts for me.

Looking to hire an expert player who can pick out and put into musical notation piano and other keyboard parts for Classic Rock hits. If you are PERFECT at it, this can be an occasional gig. Most people do NOT do a very accurate job, which is why most cover bands leave a lot to be desired.

I hadn't played at all for 17 years, and wasn't any good back then, so this has been an interesting experience.

The right person might have some musical notation software, a good ear, and enjoy nitpicking accuracy.

Let me know if it is you.

Thanks for reading.


Paradise By The Dashboard Light- Meatloaf (Piano, other keyboard parts)
Won't Get Fooled Again- The Who

OTHER TRACKS I HAVE IN MIDI FORM recorded by another keyboard player. I just need the musical score so I can learn and practice them.

I have found most sheet music books to be very innacurate, so if anyone knows of great ones, please let me know.


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Mac Daddy
post Thu 27 Dec 2007, 07:27
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Bob Rivers

My next statement will probably cause me problems, but, I'm a man who can deal with whatever comes my way... But....

I don't think there are any "Rocker's" in 440. The vast majority wouldn't know what "Classic Rock" is. I think the majority of 440 Members are "Loop Jockey's". "Drag & Drop". Layer upon layers of "Zero's and One's" .

I think you'll have to search well beyond 440 to find "Real Music" "Audio" played.

I would suggest getting Private Lessons if you are going to be going on Stage... Sounds like you need to really work hard. Fortunately, a Keybord Player can hide behind his Instrument and Read if you have to until you become competent... Don't go on stage unprepared. Don't do it to yourself, your band or the public... Practice.

I hope I am proved wrong regarding my "Loop Jockey" and "Drag & Drop" remark... It's just that Rock Bands and Players don't mess around with computer music. Some, a few, Record "IDEAS" on computers, but, Hard Drive and Hard Drives could not be wider apart...

The only kick as serious Rock Band that dabbled for just a minute was Van Halen... In "Jump" Eddie Van Halen was not content being one of the most wicked guitarist on the Planet, he wanted to play Synth too... It was the lamest most out of place riff ever... And Eddie Van Halen sucks on Keyboard... "I'd tell that to him personally".

Get private lessons in your Local Area, in "Real Time" and save yourself a lot of wasted time...

OK, come on with it 440... But, you have got to be able to back it up with something we can hear...

"I'm going to be affraid to open tomorrows Post"... Please prove me wrong and shut me up...

I'm becoming very bold as I get old... and I ain't scarred of "Teen-Agers" , "Techies" or "Taxes"... T-T-That's T-T-The T-T-Truth.... Just the T-T-Taliban.
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post Fri 28 Dec 2007, 06:49
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The only other thing I would like to add Bob, is that you ought to just try to hammer out these covers as best as you can and forget about the songwriter's nuances...create your own. Make those songs Bob Rivers songs. What is the point otherwise? Think about Clapton's "I Shot the Sherriff", or "After Midnight" or Jimi's "All Along the Watchtower", or even Van Halen's "You Really Got Me". The chords are there but they are definitely NOT note for note covers. Whaddaya wanna be a jukebox all yer life? Have fun with it for Pete's Sake! Play it by ear (and heart)>
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post Fri 28 Dec 2007, 15:03
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Mac Daddy,

I've sent you a private reply. I'd like to know if you got it. The page acted funny so I'm unsure unsure.gif
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Mac Daddy
post Sat 29 Dec 2007, 09:42
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Actually sounds like a band... The Loop Jockeys...

thecoddled egg

thecoddled egg, I have 0 New Messages. I will gladly present an example of my varied styles of music. However, I know how MIDI Musicians are about "Real Music". I have heaps of MIDI "Software and Hardware Stuff" Ten thousand Euros worth or more, not bragging, I have yet been able to experiment with it much as I have my hands full learning, mixing and fixing 18-20 Recordings that were done in a Professional Studio three years ago. At that time I was performing in Disney's Lion King and was making heaps of cash. Germany has great Hard and Software. I went on a shopping spree. I have not been on a stage in all that time, in fact I have only been seated in front of Monitors, Visual and Speakers and heaps of brand new Processors I have yet to really experiment with. I am still not satisfied with the results to my satisfaction, yet I would proudly present it in front of or allow, "musicians" critique it for composition, chord use, dymanics, choice of instrumentation. Not from a novice or someone who is dreaming of one day becoming a musician. Which are you? I'm a Professional. I'll even give you my "Professional Name" so you can Google. However, most of that is Film, Theatre, Voice-Overs, Commercials and stuff.

When I was 30 years old I got fed up with bands and all the crap that goes on, and went into Show Biz... I was always the Front Man for the band, the singer always gets the girls, you'd know this is true if you were a musician, I was obviously big and bad enough to do it, and I did. Today, I'm in Hamburg or Harlemburg as I call it. I grew up in New York, when you could see and hear Coltrane or Miles play for $5.00. Oh, Miles is Miles Davis. The Trumpet Player. The... Oh, never mind... You can Google him too. I have travel and lived in many parts of the World, not as a Tourist, living in many places for several years and the largest concentrations of Professional Musicians are in New Your, Las Vegas and LA. I have played with some of the best musicians on Earth, no name dropping so I don't care how good one guy in his home studio is, it just don't pluck my heart chords, MIDI combined is 100% cool. But all MIDI... Maybe, Hans Zimmer. Back to my music. Send your E-mail Address in a "MESSAGE" and I send you some examples of a collection of "Original" songs in styles of, Pop, Funk, Rock, Reggae, Hip-Hop and Jazz in a Genre I'm calling "World Soul". I'm proud of my music. It will stand anywhere. People into Electronica are more into altered waves than sound waves. That's why everyone loves their synths... You don't really have to play. If you can really play, you're most likely "Playing" a "Live Gig" in the "Real World" not CyberSpace... Yes, I know there are CyberSpace Bands... They sure ain't getting air play in the "Real World", Radio, Royalties... It's more entertainment for similar types... The worst noise, it could not be called music I've ever heard was in one of those SynthCast things. You could have taken a room full of chimps and gotten better results. Just 60 or more people playing, inventing, improvising a song. It's difficult enough to get 4 players who rehearse for a week to sound good. 60 non-musicians signing on and playing a song together in 10 minutes is insane.

The only musicians I know who are really into computers are the Keyboard Players. The other musicians are usually, Practicing, Playing or Partying... That's the voice of experience speaking to you "thecoddled egg" whomever you are no matter what age, gender, race, etc.

The statement I made about "Rockers being found in 440 are true. When have you last heard a "Rock MIDI Song"... Get real. Most of The 440 Members are mostly experimenting with samples, loops and thangs and hoping to find the right combination or sounds that might make them rich or at least pay for all the gear they have, need or want... Others are just having fun or are curious, but everyone dreams of making money with their music...


We will deal via E-mail... Or via Message... Did I mention "thecoddled egg" I had 0 Messages? If not, "Ooops Dere It Isz"!

Ain't nothing phoney about me "thecoddled egg" except my very expensive Dental work, a singer got to have that "Twenty Grand" look. In fact, I'm going to re-writing the old say "Sex, Drugs And Rock and Roll" to "Dames, DAW's and Dentistry".

This post has been edited by Mac Daddy: Sat 29 Dec 2007, 10:21
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Mac Daddy
post Sat 29 Dec 2007, 10:38
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{The only other thing I would like to add Bob, is that you ought to just try to hammer out these covers as best as you can and forget about the songwriter's nuances...create your own. Make those songs Bob Rivers songs. What is the point otherwise? Think about Clapton's "I Shot the Sherriff", or "After Midnight" or Jimi's "All Along the Watchtower", or even Van Halen's "You Really Got Me". The chords are there but they are definitely NOT note for note covers. Whaddaya wanna be a jukebox all yer life? Have fun with it for Pete's Sake! Play it by ear (and heart)>}

Amen, amen... Thank you... Wish I would have thought of that... However, you can't get too experimental with "Cover Band Material"... You did mention Jimi, Clapton, Van Halen... It is unthinkable for them, but if Bob goes in the band with some avant garde chords, he will not have a gig for long.

Hey, do you agree about Van Halen trying to introduce synth into that kick ass band... It was actually David Lee Roth who ripped that song to shreds, of course the guitar solo.... and then: They Synth Riff. Pure Casio with a beginner stifly pounding chords... The Band had a big fight in New York, people don't know if it was real or orchestrated... Eddie Van Halen and David Lee really hate each other, but Eddie won't fight because David knows Martial Arts... Plus, he really can jump... He could kick Shaquille O'Neal in the nose.
Nah-nah-nah-nah Eddie's scared of David...
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post Sun 30 Dec 2007, 08:00
Post #7

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Yep, Mac Daddy.....Jump was the beginning of the end for that band. And yes there is that fine line with a cover between making it your own or turning it into some kind of bizarre parody. I can't stand note for note cover bands though or (for that matter) bands who play crappy versions of songs and can't tell the difference.

While I am thinking about it. What happened to Bob? Did we scare him off?

This post has been edited by mortalengines: Sun 30 Dec 2007, 08:05
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Mac Daddy
post Mon 31 Dec 2007, 06:49
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More Useless Information... Not Worth Your Time... Nothing Technical... More of my BS....

mortalengines... Thanks... I really try to be supportive and real... I don't like to fight, especially about music. Music is to be played not debated. I never did recieve the Message that was supposedly sent, but I would have been true to my word, especially knowing that many 440 Member were reading what was transpiring.

I still believe whay I said is true, most Rock Players don't Record on Computers... Again, it's a task usually handled by the Keyboard Player. A drummer, Bassist, could care less... "Where's the Beer and Babes"? Jump was the end for Van Halen... Did not realize that... Things that make you go: "Hmmmm".

There is nothing wrong with MIDI. It's great. I love it, it is more accurate than real music. Real music is filled with flaws, we don't really hear it because it is natural. Of course a bad note is a bad note in Audio or MIDI. The great thing about MIDI is if you are willing to do more than Drag, Drop, Loop Dat Thang, MIDI can be better than Audio, but it takes a "Skilled" Velocity Manipulator. You have to spend time, altering each part. So what if it takes another day or week... Tweak Geek... You ain't got nothing else to do. It's better to make one great song than ten ordinary ones.

If my Keyboard skills were good enough I would replace most of my Guitar parts with Virtual Guitars... MIDI Guitar sounds better than real ones, if the keyboard player is accurate. No comparison. The only thing that makes the guitar sound more natural are all the mistakes and out of tune notes...

Please "Loop Jockeys" know I like/love "Good MIDI"... But for it to pass as music, you have to play SOMETHING... Can't be all hopes, wishes and guessing... Learn to play SOMETHING. There are many FREE Keyboard classes/lessons so the is no excuse to fiddle around for and hour searching for sounds/samples, use 10 minutes out of the hour learning one or two new chords...

Happy New And Productive Year For Each And Every Member In 440... Create, Practice and become successful, when you do, I want to borrow some money...

Sorry I never offer any meaningful technical advice... I normally have a Service Visit if something goes wrong... I can only switch things on and off... I don't want to learn anymore than I have... "The Precious is too hard already, no, no not more, I cannot be burdened with more high tech mumble jumble... I just want to play..." An excerpt from Lord Of The Bling"
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Bob Rivers
post Mon 31 Dec 2007, 09:11
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QUOTE (thecoddled egg @ Fri 28 Dec 2007, 06:03) *
Mac Daddy,

I've sent you a private reply. I'd like to know if you got it. The page acted funny so I'm unsure unsure.gif

did not get it. You can reach me at
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Bob Rivers
post Mon 31 Dec 2007, 09:22
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I was gone for a few days but I am back.

Interesting comments all. My son is writing original material and I am producing it, so I can relate to the idea of originality. In younger days, i was in an all original band too.

Since I am a full time radio host, the cover gig tribute band is a promotion we do... hence it is what it is, and to be of any use, I need to be accurate.

I do agree that I am probably in the wrong place to find Rick Wakeman fans :-)


What I actually do is prooduce song parodies for my radio show... if anyone is interested you can get an earful at

Thanks for the feedback.

Bob Rivers
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