Mastering Suggestions |
Thu 28 Dec 2006, 16:01
Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: 22-Oct 06
From: Caracas - VE
Member No.: 84,482
I just read all the threads (and info elsewhere) and am convinced the best way to master a track is to have a pro do it. One source actually said mastering is 95% ears/experience 5% gear.
Fair enough...
Can anyone recommend the best mastering studios, companies, engineers, etc. that can do this remotely? Since I'll be trusting my tracks to outsiders for this key step I might as well go with the best.. and I'm quite sure they are not in my neck of the woods!
Fri 29 Dec 2006, 11:47
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 05-Dec 06
From: London - UK
Member No.: 85,961
Hello Try AudiopleXus you can have a free trial from them of one track anfd tey guarentee they works
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