Logic Av Errors, Logic will return Mac AV error |
Wed 4 Sep 2002, 15:28
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 26-Aug 02
From: Lawrence - US
Member No.: 7,149

Hi, I recently installed Jaguar and it now seems after running Logic 4.7 on the OS9 side after about 30 minutes or so I am getting a Mac AV error, followed by an Error Type 3. I am generally able to relaunch Logic w/out a restart, but I was curious to know if anyone else is having this problem. I am hoping this is not a scam to get me on Logic 5+ because this boy is broke for the moment.
Thanks for any insights
Thu 5 Sep 2002, 08:55

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 08-Jul 02
From: Saint-Quentin - FR
Member No.: 5,610

If I'm correct, Type 3 Errors are memory problems. Did you check the memory allocation of your software?
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