Midi Recording Question, recording sound, not notes |
Fri 23 Aug 2002, 07:45

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From: Milford - US
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This may sound like a stupid question to some of you but i'll ask anyway. Lets say i have a midi keyboard hooked up to my computer running Kontakt(when it comes out). I'm also running, let's say, Logic. I have a couple of tracks of audio playing. Is it possible to record in a separate track the actually sound(not midi notes) from Kontakt? in wav format?? basically resampling in a way... thanks
Fri 23 Aug 2002, 09:41

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sure, you can handle the track like an audio-track. Once set the (midi)notes for battery, you could record(export) it to a new track of logic the same way you record norml audiostuff. You only have to connect the output of battery to the line-in of the computer. The file-format depends on logic, but you also could reopen the track in a soundeditor and save it in the format you want. greetz from ganesh
Fri 23 Aug 2002, 19:07

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Can you actually record to a new track live?? that would be ideal. But when you run it as a VST you can play other tracks while you record the MIDI, right?? i'm sorry if i'm MIDI illiterate. It doesn't necessarily have to be done in Logic, by the way.
Sat 24 Aug 2002, 09:29

Group: Members
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From: Milford - US
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thanks guys
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