Audio Recording Delay, Audio via MIDI / Delayed Recording |
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 00:38

Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: 28-Dec 04
From: Euless - US
Member No.: 57,371

Hi Everyone,
I need help with finding out why I have a delay in recording of audio (from E-MU MP-7) into M-Audio Omni i/o Delta 66 interface via MIDI (M-Audio 2X2 MIDIMAN). I've never had this problem before. However, over the past 8 months I've been using the "Audio Instruments " in Logic Pro 7 instead of external workstations. The audio seems to record 1/2 second late when played. Can someone please help.
Thanks for your time.
Sat 18 Mar 2006, 11:21

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 18-Mar 06
From: London - UK
Member No.: 78,332

this maybee a proccessor speed problem what is your system speed /ram OS?
Sun 19 Mar 2006, 02:40

Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: 28-Dec 04
From: Euless - US
Member No.: 57,371

I have an 800 Mhz G4 w/ 1.25 GB RAM. However, I must add that i recently placed 500 MB of PNY RAM in my computer. All 3 sticks are from different companies. Someone told me that this could cause a problem. I appreciate your help. Thanks.
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