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Honest Digi 002, What's your opinion? PAW vs DAW |
Wed 31 Aug 2005, 04:07
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From: Ely - US
Member No.: 59,590
After filing through 10 PAW based DAW (ie Tascam,Boss,Roland), I think I reverted back to the PT reign. I'll be upgrading CPU to a dual G4 (can't afford the G5 now) and thinking of the digi002 interface (rack). I 've heard negatives RE ADAverters as well as pre-amps. I tend not to believe but anyone with some honest feedback would be greatly appreciated. For what I've been doing the Mbx has been a blast. And RELIABLE as a Chev Impala! Seems like PT has been getting flacked lately due to interface and "user friendly" issues. HAVE NOT SEEN THAT WITH LE. Thanks folks!
Wed 31 Aug 2005, 07:40
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From: Gold Coast - AU
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Well I origonaly had le and a digi 001, switched to a motu 828mk2, alot cheaper and by all acounts much better than the 001, I know the 002 is obviously improved, but I haven't tried it. I just know the 828 is great and alot cheaper... oh yeah and DP walks all over pro tools if your a one man show or just doing track by track kinda stuff (which I assume you are due to the 002)... works great for me......
Thu 1 Sep 2005, 02:04
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I've used the Digi001 and 002 for a few years now. I like them both, have never had a problem with ProTools that I didn't create myself, and I like the way my mixes sound. We use both at the school where I teach for an Audio Production class...it is, by far, the best solution in my opinion. Stay with what you know.
Mon 5 Sep 2005, 20:13
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From: London - UK
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I used the 002 (desk model) for a couple of years and must say that the preamps in that bad boy ROCK! They're also way better than the pre's in the Mbox. They are crisp and clean, though they do not have a real characteristic sound (such as with some other pre's - I'm thinking Joe Meek, TLAudio). As far as I know the pre's are made by Focusrite. A/D did not bother me (and therefore I would say they're ok).
I do, however, agree with mrintenso that the Motu is a lot cheaper for basically the same functionality. Depends on how much you would like to work with PT.
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