Defragmentation |
Sun 29 Aug 2004, 14:13

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From: Fritsla - SE
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Do I have to defragment my hard drive when recording and editing audio? If so , can i do it in Panther, or do I need a softwaret?
Mon 30 Aug 2004, 10:19

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QUOTE (mssj @ Aug 29 2004, 13:13) Do I have to defragment my hard drive when recording and editing audio? If so , can i do it in Panther, or do I need a softwaret?
/Stefan I Believe that both panther,and jaguar defrags itself...when the system is'nt doing much. I was thinking of putting "Norton System Works" on the system,and was told I don't need it. Panther or Jaguar maintains itself !!! Hope that answers your question. Alan
Tue 31 Aug 2004, 20:57


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Hopefully I can shed some light on this.
1) If you are doing audio / video, use 2 or more partitions, 1 for OS and Apps, the other partition to capture to, save your projects, actually you can have 3 or more partitions, 1 for OSX / Apps, 1 for scratch capture, 1 for saving your projects to.
Why do this?
1) Avoid defragmentation (your scratch drive will get fragmented, but you can erase it after a while, and then no fragmentation.
2) Your files are separate from your OS and Apps
Why? so you can quickly and easily re-image your OS X / Apps and not worry about your saved audio / video files being erased, etc.
I have a OS 10.3.5 with MOTU DP 4.12, Final Cut Pro 4.5, and have it exaclty the way I want it, then take an image snapshot of this with Super Duper.
If the OS X or any apps get funky, I dont waste time playing detective for what's wrong, (although I could, being an Apple OS X engineer),
I simply re-image with Super Duper and wa la in 2 minutes I am back to where I was a day ago, 30 minutes or 5 minutes ago.
How does this relate to defragging, well the best defraging is to Reformat. Period.
OS X Disk Utility is the answer. So you get, no more fragmentation but also no more OS X.
Solution: Re-image with Super Duper, which erases and essentially defrags and is the best way to go period.
And a few words about Norton: It sucks, dump it, Symantec is killing the product off and thank goodness, it sucks and deserves to go.
Everytime I have installed Nort Utils on an OS X machine it develops problems.
Use OS X Disk Utility, it is rock solid and you can do anything with it including making exact clones of CD ROMs / DVD ROMS, even PC CD ROMS, bit by bit copies, etc.
And Disk Utility from what I understand will get even better in 10.4 Tiger.
Hope that helps.
Wed 1 Sep 2004, 04:30

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I use Techtool Pro on Panther to maintain and defrag my drives (both system and audio) and it works great. I agree that Norton sucks but I DON'T agree that OSX either doesn't need defragging or defrags itself. I've used Techtool Pro for years (from OS9 on) and can highly recomend it for both maintenance and problem solving my $0.02...bjkiwi
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