Does Dp Support Vsti? |
Tue 11 May 2004, 18:00


Group: Members
Posts: 47
Joined: 19-May 03
From: Lewisberry - US
Member No.: 18,134

This is a dumb question, but I am having problems finding an answer on my own. I am looking into buying Kontakt (unless someone can suggest a better one  ). I know that it can be used as a stand alone, or a plug-in for a sequencer that supports VSTi. Does DP support VSTi? I know almost nothing about VSTi yet. I have looked on both the MOTU and Native Instruments pages but I can't really find any clues. (for the record, I am running DP3) Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Wed 12 May 2004, 09:31

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From: Vancouver - US
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Hi there,
I am a user of both DP4 and Kontakt, as well as Kompakt and the rest of the NI-Komplete line. They work fine with DP4 as AU (audio unit) plugs. As far as I know, you need at least 10.2 OS X and DP4.12 (which is available on the www.motu.com site as a free upgrade) and you're in business.
For my money, Kontakt is a much more stable sampler than Motu's Machfive...in all cases, Machfive is a piece of S#&*T, compared to Kontakt or even Halion, for that matter.
But anyway, good luck with your music.
Ed Bisquera Music Director
Wed 12 May 2004, 21:38


Group: Members
Posts: 47
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From: Lewisberry - US
Member No.: 18,134

Just as I found the answer on my own you gave me a wonderful reply!! http://www.nativeinstruments.de/index.php?motu_us(boy I'm dumb lol) Yeah I've been hearing all sorts of nasty things about the Mach Five. I had thought of getting Logic Pro until I saw the price and fainted....when I came to I found the link above. I will need to buy DP4 (still in DP3:crazy:) and Kontakt. Since Kontakt doesn't come with any orchestral samples I will have to get GPO too! Boy that's gonna be a big hole in my pocket! Again, thank you for your reply Mr.P!
Wed 12 May 2004, 23:06

Group: Members
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Joined: 14-Mar 04
From: Vancouver - US
Member No.: 38,436

Hey no prob! BTW, I am going to be selling off my DP4 and Kontakt soon (I have two copies for two machines and have now gone laptop, so don't need the extra). The DP4 is just an extra copy, while the Kontakt is license-transferrable. I'll let you know when I put it up on eBay or if interested, we can exchange info.
Good luck with it all; GPO is awesome, btw!
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