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> Korg Triton Le Or Nord Lead 2x, which one
post Tue 24 Feb 2004, 17:33
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From: Norwalk - US
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my first synth so which one should work for me better? I'm mostly interested in house/dance music and maybe using it as a midi controller also. anybody has experiences with these and would be great if I could get some pros/cons about both. tnx
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post Thu 26 Feb 2004, 22:32
Post #2

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These are really different synths, as far as for dance/house they would both be good, you will get fatter sounds off the nord, but the triton will be more well rounded. You'll have a good sesction of everything you need. With the Nord you would most likely want to also get a drum machine, hardware or software, and a sampler, as the nord is more of a dedicated synth, bass and leads/pads.

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post Thu 26 Feb 2004, 23:43
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tnx for the reply. wink.gif
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post Fri 27 Feb 2004, 16:13
Post #4


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From: Montclair - US
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I came upon a Roland SH-32 and was blown away. Those other synths are great, but for the blowout price of $199 they go for now, consider the Roland for your dance music. It has an great synth engine. It's somewhat muiltitimbral (4 pasrts) and has a very cool (user programable and preset) arpegiator for drum or synth sounds. . . . and lots of knobs. Totally midi syncable... Also good effects. I love mine. By far the best value I've gotten in a synth.
You don't want it as your one and only or first perhaps, but it's a great addtion. I don't know why these didn't catch on....
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