Anyone Using Tc Works Spark 2.6?? |
Sun 18 Jan 2004, 21:12

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If anyone is using Spark / Spark XL 2.6 , please let me know if you have a midi keyboard plugged in to your midi interface via OMS and if you are able to play the Modular Synths / Fx Machine without crashing your MAC!
I can do it but when I try to play an audio file loaded in the Browser view - No Sound! audio doesnt play. I close, the relaunch Spark and then all te sound is glitched and distorted to hell. I have to go to preferences to the "midi" tab and switch OMS off. This brings my sound back but no TC Modular synth .FXMachines etc..
Any help is much appreciated!
Mon 19 Jan 2004, 13:51

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If you have the real soft, i don't know, but i' ve red in a forum that the crack one crash in that sort of situation!!! So, if crack one, buy it, if not try to ask some help from the support of Spark..?!
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Mon 19 Jan 2004, 19:33

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Oh it IS the REAL software! And TC can't understand why its happeming. I actually think that in the past two versions 2.5 and 2.6 (on OS 9.2....) TC changed the programming in Spark and messed something up seriously bad with midi. I'm trying to find out if anyone else is having this problem. At least maybe I (WE) can find a work around....
Thu 26 Feb 2004, 23:21

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and TC isn't doing anything to help, just saying, "Sorry"? Chumps SmegHeads I hate when software companies just look at you and say sorry. I'm going to uninstall saprk.
Sat 28 Feb 2004, 12:46

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Sure cracks are unfortunate..
but in my case, I have the real thing.. there IS A BUG in Spark 2.5-2.6.. I can't upgrade to 2.8 because IM NOT GOING to OSX yet. I have too much money invested in all my OS 9 plugins and apps..
Any way thanks for all the help everyone!
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