Usb Vs. 13-pin+firewire, achieving minimum latency |
Mon 28 Jun 2004, 21:02

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 26-Aug 03
From: Mexico City - MX
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O wise ones: I'm in the market for a firwire audio interface, and thinking of the Motu 828, but am stuck on whether I really need the new model (MkII), which comes with midi inputs. Right now my midi controller connects to my G4 PB by USB, but I'm not sure if this might be done with less latency if it were via the 13-pin cable to the Motu 828 MkII, which would connect to the machine by firewire. The old Motu 828 doesn't come with 13-pin midi in/out, but I would only need these if the connection was faster than USB. Thank ye, Gleit
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