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> Like A Fuityloops
post Sun 20 Jun 2004, 08:47
Post #1


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From: - MX
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Hi!, an salute from México.
mmm I know, how to hndle the fruityLoops software, then I want to hnadle an software like a fruityLoops on my Mac, so I know there is many softwares, but I dont know which is the similar to fruityLoops, please I know that it is the right place to put this question.
Thanks very much!.
of course!, Sorry my English but I dont speak english, just trying. unsure.gif
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post Mon 21 Jun 2004, 02:47
Post #2


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ableton live
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post Mon 21 Jun 2004, 05:07
Post #3


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Thnks Dani-Rodhes, Inmediatelly Im going to check!
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post Tue 22 Jun 2004, 15:57
Post #4


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From: Rome - IT
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Hola Chillout, soy un argentino en Roma, y quería decirte que si bien Live es GENIAL, necesitas una fuente creadora de sonidos, como FLoops... con distintos sintes, etc, esa solución es Reason, que es un "todo en uno"... además de poder crear loops o canciones enteras, en vez Live toca esos loops ya creados... es un secuenciador... mayormente para actuaciones en vivo... Además puedes conectar ambos programas via rewire, pero eso es otra historia... Espero te sirva de ayuda... hazme saber...
Saludos a Mexico y a la gente de Imeca music... (tenia un amigo que tocaba para ellos...)
Sorry to the others, but I needed to say it in spanish...

Hello Chillout, I am an Argentinean in Rome, and wanted decirte that
although Live he is BRILLIANT, you need a creative source sounds, like
FLoops... with different sintes, etc, that solution is Reason, that is
a "whole in one"... in addition to being able to create loops or whole
songs, in time created Live it touches those loops already... is a
secuenciador... mainly for live performances... In addition you can
connect both programs via rewire, but that is another history... I
hope serves as aid... hazme to you to know... Greetings to Mexico and
the people of Imeca music... (tapeworm a friend that touched for

Brought to you by kaboombahchuck cool.gif

This post has been edited by kaboombahchuck: Wed 23 Jun 2004, 01:38
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post Tue 22 Jun 2004, 19:48
Post #5


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From: Philadelphia - US
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Do you know what sucks?

What is Fruity Loops!

That is the correct answer!
Anti-Mac B*****DS!

Try Reason, Garageband, or Ableton's Live.
Reason -
Garageband -
Live -

Also, there is Arturia's Storm which is a cheap little app
not sure of it's looping or effects ability. But I have
used the fore mentioned three and they are all extremely
capable, with Garageband being obviously the weakest
but the best value for beginners.

This post has been edited by sethjacquay: Tue 22 Jun 2004, 19:49

Ableton Live 4.1
Reason 3
Mac OS 10.3.8
G5 Dual 1.8 Ghz 2 GB RAM 160 HD
EzQuest 120 GB 7200 Firewire HD
EzQuest 200 GB 7200 Firewire HD - Pro Audio
M-Audio Firewire 410 (driver 1.4.3)
Behringer B1 Microphone (2x)
Behringer HPS3000 Headphones
Yamaha DX-11 going through a MidiMate XP (Midi to USB adapter)
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post Tue 22 Jun 2004, 22:00
Post #6


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Wow!, que sorpresa contigo Ernene, que dice la chula Roma?, sabes la verdad no conozco a la gente de imeca music, pero de todos modos chido el saludo, Yo conozco a alguien de noiselab, en fin.
Ok gracias por tu respuesta, si es cierto lo que necesito es algo para crear Loops, y no secuenciar estos, entonces la solución es Reason!. Pues lamentablemente no tengo lana ahorita para comprarlo, asi que fui a limeware, y ya descargue los archivos que se supone que son para tres cds. este es un gran problema, pues no puedo instalarlos, ya tengo el serial y archivo de instalacion, el archivo del orkester y el otro bank, ya hasta queme los cds y no me jalo, instale en custom para anular la instalacion del orkester y el otro, y de por si nada. De casualidad tienes algun consejo para que pueda instalar este Reason?, o definitivamente hay que comprarlo?.
Saludos!, Ernene.

sethjacquay, Idont understand "..That is the correct answer!
Anti-Mac B*****DS!", however thnksYou for you reply!, remember Idont speak english, sorry., "Do you know what sucks", sound offensive, any problem?


Wow, that surprise with you Ernene, that says insolent Rome, you know
the truth I do not know people imeca music, but anyway chido the
greeting, I I know somebody noiselab, in aim. Ok thanks for your
answer, if it is certain what I need is something to create Loops, and
not to secuenciar these, then the solution is Reason. Then lamentably
I do not have wool right now to buy it, asi which I went to limeware,
and either unloads the archives that assume that they are for three
cds. this is a great problem, because I cannot install them, or I have
the serial and file of installation, the file of orkester and the
other bank, or until burns cds and I do not get drunk, installs in
custom to annul to the installation of orkester and the other, and of
in case nothing. By chance you have algun advice so that can install
this Reason, or definitively it is necessary to buy it. Greetings,

This post has been edited by kaboombahchuck: Wed 23 Jun 2004, 01:41
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post Wed 23 Jun 2004, 10:17
Post #7


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From: Varese - IT
Member No.: 36,729

Hola muchachos!!

chillout, la mejor forma es comprar el programa!!! todos tus problemas se resolveran en un segundo. reason es un programa ma-ra-vi-llo-so, con infinitas posibilidades incluidas en el para crear musica, no pierdas tu tiempo y compralo!! no te arrepentiras...

Chillout the best way is to buy the software!!! all your troubles will go away in a second. reason is a mar-ve-llous (doesn't translate well in english, maybe fascinating is better) program, with infinite possibilities to create music, so don't waste your time, and buy it!!! you won't regret it
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post Wed 23 Jun 2004, 18:11
Post #8


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Ok, gracias por tu consejo, voy a juntar el billete para comprarlo, creo que es muy dificil crackearlo, pero sin embargo me imagino que si se podria, pero ya, como dices para solucionar el asunto y no tener problemas, mejor lo compro.
Muchas gracias!, de verdad.
ah!, gracias a por las clasesitas de ingles!, jeje.

Ok, thanks by your tip, I´m going to join the money to buy it. I beliave it is very hard to crack, although I suppose that is possible. But right now, how you said, to give solution at the affair and dont have more troubles, the best is buy it.
True thanks very much!
So! thanks for the English class!, jeje.
(sorry my english).
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Dasa Soul
post Thu 24 Jun 2004, 05:41
Post #9

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tendidos como bandidos el que busca encuentra laugh.gif
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Dasa Soul
post Thu 24 Jun 2004, 05:45
Post #10

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Chillout yo uso Garage Band esta chiro i es muy fasil de usar pero nesesitas una MAC G4 con minimo de 700 Gs ,
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