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Digi002 And Logic, no core audio found |
Sat 28 Feb 2004, 14:49
Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: 22-Feb 04
From: Nijmegen - NL
Member No.: 36,506
hello fellow musiciens and or techniciens I wonder if there is sombody who uses the digi002 with logic 6.3.3 on a G5. I have installed pro tools LE6.2.2 wich came with the DIGI002 and it works , but logic cannot find the core audio driver I,ve tried so many different things to make it work even installing everything again several times also panther it took a lot of my prescious time and now I wonder if it is possible at all. SO my question is, if there is someone working with logic on panther with digi 002. I realy would like to know if I,m missing something here , or if the wright driver has not yet been develloped. thank you for reading this .
Wed 3 Mar 2004, 09:38
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 24-Jan 04
From: Lund - SE
Member No.: 33,988
Hi Hanske, I'm in a similar situation as you are, trying to set a a veesatile system with my Digi 002. The remark jebivuk posted is accurate, since I experienced problems with 6.2.2. 6.2.3 is the one for you (and for me) running panther on a G5. One thing I have learned is that the ProTools application doesn't let any other application in to use the Digidesign HW driver, when it is active itself. But there are alternatives and/or complementary apps to Digis audio core. One group is the IAC virtual device applications which allow you to connect specific apps with one another to send audio between them. Jack is one of them. See this: Jack Tools - http://www.jackosx.com Jack Tools discussion group – http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jackosx Soundflower is another virtual audio device, at: http://www.cycling74.comCheck' em out! They seem promising.And they are FREE! Panther has an inert IAC driver, which should do the same thing thing, I guess. I haven't tried them out myself, yet, as I am not done with the construction of my studio. (logic is still a week away.) My idea is to run Digi 002 from my G5 starting with Sibelius(notation app) thru the optical audio output and catch it in ProTools on my PB for mixing and adding analogue tracks(like song and woodwinds) The route is like the following: Sibelius on G5 -> (audio out) -> Digi 002 -> ProTools on PB Tiatn 1GHz. It would be interesting to share our trial and errors, as I think it can benefit us all. Good luck to you! PS! Anyone is welcome to illuminate my discussion, as it is far from from complete!
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