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> M-audio Firewire410, rookie asks for help
post Tue 18 Nov 2003, 09:54
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From: Rauma - FI
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Well a rookie needs help...I've bought (well actually I'll propably get it this week) a 12" PowerBook and now I'm looking for a sequecer and a audio/midi interface.

I'm mainly interested in Logic and I was looking for a A62m with it but now I ran into a M-Audio firewire 410. So are there any experiences about using FireWire410 with OSX and Logic6?

thanks for your advice!
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post Wed 19 Nov 2003, 16:42
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I don't have any experience with the 410, so I'll simply note that there have been a few dissatisfied customers knocking about the web. Seems like the general vibe is "it's a great idea, but it's not super-reliable". Which is par for the course with M-Audio gear.

FireWire is the sweetest route for audio devices, but I think you really have to get to the MOTU 828 before you actually get something solid and reliable - and for that, you pay a hefty price.

My advice, you being a newbie and all, would be to find your feet with a USB device like the Emagic one and look to expand to something more imposing as your needs demand. For use with Logic, I'd recommend using Emagic USB hardware.

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post Sat 20 Dec 2003, 01:00
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What's the word on Tascam's FW-1884?
I have been saving up to leap onto the DP 4 bandwagon and as such I do not wish to give digidesign any of my money. I'd like to be hands on in terms of daw use and since firewire was one of the attractions in Macademia (nuts; there, I said it), it'd be a shame to get stuck in usb 1.1.

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post Mon 22 Dec 2003, 15:36
Post #4

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The word on the 1884, as far as my eyes and ears tell me is, "It's a hit!" Anyone who has plunked down their fat sack of cash to buy one seems pretty stoked about it. At one time or another, I've tried all of Tascam's USB devices (428, 224, 122) and they all worked fine, so it's no surprise to me that their FireWire model rocks.

If you can stretch to it financially, FireWire is automatically better than USB (uh-oh - incoming USB defence lobbyists!), so "even" if you bought the M-Audio 410, you'd probably have more joy at cramming tons of audio tracks down it's little pipes than you would with a USB device.

If you have modest requirements and sparse arrangements or use mainly Midi, USB is fine. If you want to actually control a full-on audio mix like in a proper recording studio, you probably need FireWire. For which, the Tascam seems like a comprehensive solution.
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post Sun 4 Jan 2004, 14:10
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I use OS X 10.3.2 and Cubase 1.0.51 and I just bought Firewire 410 but sounds don't come out through Cubase although it reacts to audio or midi data from the instruments sent through FW 410. As I am not that familiar with musical softwares yet, I am stuck with FW 410 and no sound! Does anybody have a clue. Cheers.
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post Sat 10 Jan 2004, 01:38
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I'm only doing research on the Firewire 410 at the moment, but I found a review out there where a guy specifically stated that MIDI wouldn't work on a Mac with Jaguar. He wrote that M-audio reps told him to get Panther... but you've got Panther, so I don't know. Yeah, anyone know about this?
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post Sat 10 Jan 2004, 08:28
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Hi. I've got a G4, 933 MHz running Panther 10.3.2, 1 gig RAM, Logic 6 Platinum, an Edirol PCR-30 keyboard, Genelec 1029A's, and the Firewire 410. Everything works perfectly. I recommend the 410 - has been trouble-free so far.

"...I just don't sounds funny."
Mac G5, dual 2.0 GHz, MOTU 828 MkII interface, Virus TI Keyboard, Genelec 1029A and Mackie HR824 monitors, Mackie Control Universal, Presonus Eureka and ART DPS II preamps, Presonus Central Station, AKG C1000S and C3000 mics. Logic Pro 7.2, Trilogy, Stylus, Atmosphere, Native Instruments Komplete 2.
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scaly wonder
post Sat 10 Jan 2004, 21:20
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i have a m audio firewire 410 working with logic platinum and g4 p/bk with panther - so far audio and midi have been absolutely fine - no issues at all
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scaly wonder
post Sat 10 Jan 2004, 21:21
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i have a m audio firewire 410 working with logic platinum and g4 p/bk with panther - so far audio and midi have been absolutely fine - no issues at all
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post Sun 11 Jan 2004, 04:15
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smile.gif Hi there,

Thanks for your replies. I finally managed to connect my FW 410 to my Cubase in Panther. Indeed, that seems alright for the moment. I think I had problems because I didn't follow the order in switching on devices and therefore the FW 410 wouldn't appear in my Device Set up... I'm only starting to try it for real now! biggrin.gif

I see a couple of you use Logic Platinum. Do you know about the differences with Cubase, the + and -? smile.gif
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