Griffin Gport (osx) Vs. Opcode Studio 5, restore midi communication in Osx |
Mon 6 Oct 2003, 01:43

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Below is strictly for those who wish to use Griffin gport in (OsX) with Opcode Studio5.
in my set up the gport works fine under Os9 but when switching to Osx, midi communication lost.
After a week of troubleshooting, I was very close to replacing $$$ my good old Studio 5 untill i found this post. No it was not on the Griffin site. anyways a big thank you to the writer!! here it is:
In OSX install both gport driver and gport midi driver for osx 2. Boot into os 9 3. Open oms setup in os 9. 4. Create a studio document. Configure the document for your studio setup. Save and make it current. 5. While the current studio document is open, choose Compatibility Setup from the Studio 5 menu. Put a check in the "Emulate Midi Time Piece" box. 6. Set the speed to 1 MHZ (NOT to fast). 7. From the pull down menu choose Midi Time Piece In. Set up Midi Time Piece In exactly like your studio studio document. 8. From the pull down menu choose Midi Time Piece Out. Set up Midi Time Piece Out exactly like your studio document. 9. Choose re-establish communication from the Studio 5 menu. (Don't know if this is necessary, but it can't hurt). 10. Now quit out of 0S 9, boot into 0S10 11. Configure the gport with 15 ports and 1mhz. Close gport 12. Open audio midi setup. You should see "standard interface" with 15 ports. 13. Configure your midi setup.
You're done. It works with Midi Monitor, Digital Performer 4.1 & Cubase Sx. [B] [FONT=Impact]
hani num sound,nyc
Mon 6 Oct 2003, 02:21

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From: Baltimore - US
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what about machines that can't boot into 9? Can we use the studio 5 or does one need to replace it?
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