Best Audio Set Up For My Mac G4, Homerecording |
Tue 1 Jul 2003, 06:23

Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 01-Jul 03
From: Warren - US
Member No.: 20,476

I've just recently purchased an older G4 that runs @ 400 mhz. has a 20 gig HD and 320k RAM.
I want to reformat it and use it for a home studio set-up only. I will add much more memory and am wondering which Logic Audio program would be best for this compute with 9.2 for the OS?
I'm leaning toward Logic 5.. Good choice or no?
Tue 1 Jul 2003, 14:03

Group: Members
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From: Warren - US
Member No.: 20,476

OK, so I'll go with Logic 6. Question is, do I have enough machine to run it properly?
Tue 1 Jul 2003, 15:12

Group: Members
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From: Warren - US
Member No.: 20,476

Looks like I'm good system wise and I see Logic suggest a seperate HD also.., any suggestions there? (I'm a refugee from Windows btw, still not to familar with Macs..)
Tue 1 Jul 2003, 16:38

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From: Warren - US
Member No.: 20,476

Price seems pretty reasonable.., Mercurys about $100 less. http://www.samedaymusic.com/product--GLYNDFW80 To be honest though, I'll use the existing drive for now until I'm actually able to create a decent demo, cause I'm a newbie ay homerecording in every sense of the word.., I did make a effort a few years back but that was on a Gateway PII, and it was just one freeze-up after another so I'm still at square 1 in a sense..
Wed 2 Jul 2003, 16:56

Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 01-Jul 03
From: Warren - US
Member No.: 20,476

As far as adding more RAM, any suggestions? Is Kingston advisable or not?
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