Buying A Mac Second Hand, Want a bit of help looking for a Mac |
Tue 3 Jun 2003, 11:15

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From: London - UK
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A 1 Ghz machine means there is a 1000Mhz processor on board. A twin Ghz machine means there are two 1000Mhz processors on board. The machine is not strictly 2 GHz but divides the data processing tasks (if you're on OSX) between two 1 Ghz processors. You said £1000 ... I assume you're from the UK (as I am), the good guys in the US - who tend to help most on this list - maybe a bit out of touch with the UK secondhand market ..thats why I'm replying.
I suggest you buy either Macworld or Mac User magazines and look at the small adds at the back. Consider companies such as: Clocktower (01279 771 038) or Second Chance PC (01223 833 412). But watch the sales patter, if you're looking at a 1 Ghz machine don't go to the 2nd hand market, you can buy 1Ghz G4 for just less than £1000 GBP, but you'll need a monitor and the software, add £800 BGP !! If you're total budget is 1k GBP then go to an eMac 800mhz for £850 all in, + software. A 2ndhand Mac will likely have a slower bus speed, less older/slower RAM and if more than 2 years old will groan with OSX.2 !! Remember you'll also need other gear: a keyboard, sound module, midi interface card etc., in addition to your chosen software. If the total budget for everything is £1K GBP send me an email and I'll help directly.
Tue 3 Jun 2003, 12:48

Group: Members
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From: Seaview - US
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Dual 1 gig implies two 1 gig processors in the machine. However, the machine is not running at 2 gig exactly. The processors share the load but the system bus is a single bus so the math is multiplexed between each processor. It is still far faster than a PC running @ 2gig. If you are considering the dual (mirror drive door) machines, be prepared for noisy fans. Hence the nickname "leafblower"
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:50

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 04-Mar 03
From: Manchester - UK
Member No.: 13,660

i got the kit. its ok. cathode, "high end ball bearing fans"? the 120mm fan that you got as replacement is the best out there. Papst fans are the quietest aroud. if you do find a quieter one lemme know! know what you mean though - the rumbling can get on your nerves. and if you intend to use OS9 like i do, be prepared to either shell out on the bose noise cancelling headphones or turn the amp way the fuck UP, as the fan speed regulation under OS9 is a joke - fan speed is up and down, up and down all the time, so you can never ignore it. im seriously considering shelling out for the Verax kit, but $109 for two 60mm fans??? apple peeps always have to shell out more...
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