Quote: from nax on April 10, 2002 - 18:49[br]désolé d'y revenir encore... mais le problème des errors 6042 et 6045 m'empêche carrément de travailler vu la fréquance de leur survenues...
je suis passé à Logic Platinium 4.8.1 (update depuis le 4.7.3) et encore ce problème... avec l'OS 9.2.1, Power Mac G4 867 bouré de ram etc et évidement la Digi 001.. (que je vais revendre et me prendre une MOTU si ça continu comme ça!)
maintenant, même mes nouvelles sessions me font ça (pas de problème avec Protools LE par contre)
si ces erreurs sont insolubles, sait-on au moins à quoi celles-ci corespondent

(... was retourned by the Direct I/O driver)
mais encore .. ?
oh... oh .. oh (???) je click sur l'avertissement de l'erreur et je vois :
There seems to be an
internal data loop whithin OMS!

je n'y comprends plus rien.. je veux bosser tranquilement!!! sans alertes toutes les 10 secondes...

à l'aide!!!!!! :'o)
Quote: from nax on April 10, 2002 - 19:02[br]de pire en pire...
L'application 'Logic Audio Platinium 4.8.1' a quitté inopinément, car une erreur de type 3 est survenue.
Enregistrez les documents ouverts dans d'autres applications et redémarrez.
(y'a pas écrie 'merci mon chien'... je le prends comment ?)
Le problème entre le driver de la Digi 001, les erreurs 6042 et 6045 et ce genre d'erreur ont-elle un lien ?
S'il n'y a pas de solution... dois-je me débarasser définitivement de ma Digi 001 ? (qui est neuve..)
J'arrete de bosser pour aujourd'hui.. je ne peux pas travailler dans ces conditions.
(marre marre marre marre marre......)
Tristamente Furioso..
Il faut absolument poser la question sur le site de digidesign, car ces erreurs ne devait se produire que dans le cas d'un vieux G3 beige, avec ton 867 ça devient grave !
Il doit y avoir un rapport avec Logic, mais :
1) chez moi les erreurs n'arrivent que dans une configuration 'ADAT en Optique'
2) sur l'Answerbase du site de digidesign, ces erreurs sont données pour Protools LE.
voici ce que j'y ai copié (en vrac tout ce qui concerne -6042 et -6045) :
Can I use a Digi 001 with a beige G3? Why is the beige G3 NOT listed as a compatible computer on the Digi 001 compatibility documents?
During the development of the Pro Tools LE, Digidesign tested the Apple 'beige' G3 line (all speeds) with Digi 001. During testing we encountered random occurrences of a particular software error with our DAE (Digidesign Audio Engine) and the beige G3 line. The error, 'DAE -6045' would pop-up inexplicably during normal operation of Pro Tools LE. While this error is non-fatal, it will stop playback or record of a Pro Tools LE system. Digidesign engineering spent weeks trying to find the cause of this error without a successful fix.
There is some good news - to continue through the error simply click OK. We suggest saving the session and rebooting the computer to completely clear the error. Although all other aspects of Digi 001 and beige G3 configuration function satisfactory, the repetitive nature of this error caused us concern here at Digidesign. This explains why Digidesign is not formally supporting beige G3 configurations with 001 (we still support beige G3's with Audiomedia III cards and TDM systems). We did not make this decision lightly due to the large installed base of beige G3 customers. However, here at Digidesign, we believe in shipping solid systems that our customers can count on. If after reading this notice you still wish to use a beige G3 with Digi 001, here's what results we have found with our internal and external beta testing:
Average number of -6045 hours
- Best Case: all day, all night - no errors
- Typical: 2 or 3 errors in an eight hour day
- Worst Case: 6 or 8 errors in an eight hour day
DAE -6045 error with Beige G3 and G4 systems running Digi 001 hardware.
The following settings can reduce the frequency of this error:
-Choose 'S/PDIF' from Optical Format menu (Setups>Playback Engine>Other Options window).
-Session bit depth: 24 or 16 bit
-Session Sample Rate: 44.1kHz
DAE -6045 errors seem heaviest when:
-Optical format is set to 'ADAT'
-Session bit depth: 24 bit
-Session Sample Rate: 48kHz
This entry was compiled by a few DUC threads in which users posted their results of various PT LE software settings.
ID:5836 Created:06/18/2001
Digi 001 with a Power Macintosh 'Beige' G3.
Because most users will likely encounter DAE -6045 errors when playing and recording audio tracks with the Power Macintosh Beige G3 and Digi 001, this computer is not officially supported (though it is supported with Audiomedia III and TDM-based systems). For more information, visit the Digidesign Web site at
http://www.digidesign.com/compatoID:4914 Created:01/29/2001
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DAE error -6045.
During testing of the 001 on the beige G3 it was found that this error could come up inexplicably during normal operation. Thus, this machine was never qualified for the 001. The error is nonfatal and you can simply OK through it.
As of this writing there is no solution for the error.
Best case - all day with no errors
typical - 2-3 errors a day
Worst Case - 6-8 errors a day
ID:3835 Created:06/23/2000
DAE error -6045.
DSP code was too slow to keep up - could be caused by video capture cards on the same bus. Try moving other PCI cards (video,SCSI) or using fewer tracks.
- This error can also come up if the 'ATI Driver Update' extension is installed. Try removing it and rebooting the Mac.
- Try increasing DAE playback buffer size to 4 or 8.
ID:2109 Created:10/10/1997
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DAE error -6042 (PCI bus too busy). Blue G3 or G4, Mix Plus, ATTO card (or in case of blue G3 possibly the Adaptec)
Possible solutions:
* Disable online at insertion point record and Quickpunch.
* Enable Mute Frees Voice.
* If using ATTO card, be sure Drive and Bus sync rates are set to 20 (10) and not 40 (20) by using Express Pro Tools software from ATTO.
* Disable all ATI extensions in extensions manager, USB Iomega (if not being used).
* In Appearance CP do not use Charcoal for large system font, and turn off font smoothing, also disable Platinum Sounds.
* Check to see the application memory minimum has not been changed from factory default.
* Quit PT, highlight the application icon, get info (command-I) and go to memory settings.
* Highlight the number in the minimum field, type zero and hit return. Do the same for DAE and Pro Tools,
ID:4150 Created:05/11/2000
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DAE error -6042 or -9073 'The PCI bus is too busy for DAE to communicate reliably with the audio hardware.' while playing back audio in Pro Tools.
- Verify Adaptec Powerdomain Set Target Options (available in
Powerdomain v3.0):
1. Ultra SCSI unchecked (This is checked for 20 MHz +)
2. Synchronous transfer rate from 20 to 10 MHz
3. SCSI disconnection enabled
4. Wide negotiation enabled
- Verify DAE buffer is at the correct setting for the particular card e.g.,
Mix Card at 2
- Verify the Disk Cache is set to 512 or less (virtual memory off, Ram
Disk off)
- Verify drives are partitioned if they are 9 or 18 gigs
- Verify the tracks are allocated to multiple drives
- Verify drives are periodically reinitialized, not fragmented, and not
near capacity
- Verify proper card configuration.
If the customer cannot Set Target Options, they may have Powerdomain v4.0. They will need to download v3.0 in order to Set Target Options. User had an Adaptec 2940UW SCSI accelerator. In Powerdomain 5.01 user can Set Target Options and this version is REQUIRED for compatibility with the G3 [Blue].
ID:3158 Created:06/24/1999
DAE error -6042 during playback when scrolling, adjusting faders, or opening/closing Plug-In windows on a G3 (beige).
This has been reported on G3's shipped after May 98 which contain an extension named 'ATI Driver Update.' Removing this extension solves this problem.
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