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> Almost Ready To Buy First Interface And Software, newbie questions
Rodrigo Ramos
post Wed 16 May 2007, 15:30
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From: La Laguna - ES
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Hello everybody,

Alright here is where i am at, i have a Mac G4 powerbook and a 1000 dollars to invest in my first interface and software (aaah!) Like several other writers i have been contemplating between:
digidesign mbox with PTLE vs. MOTU ultralite with logic express.

I want to record mostly acoustic instruments (saxophone, elec and acoustic guitars etc.) but i also want to do field recordings (animals and machines) and i am certain that at some point i will work with midi. I am inspired by the work of brian eno, nigel goodrich (radiohead, beck) jim orourke and john mcentire.

Although i am looking towards doing mainly audio recordings i feel like MOTU/logic is more advantageous - 1) both are particularly MAC oriented, 2)both seem to be more flexible in working with other programs 3) tech support for both sounds more favorable- interestingly i have only found one complaint against Logic/MAC (hahaworld from last november) but i have seen much more complaints about digidesign and PTLE tech support. . . me being a newbie this is important. 4) reviews seem more positive about MOTU preamps than the digi mbox 5) MOTU has more analog i/o than the digi mbox.
Does my reasoning make sense?

question #1 can my MAC G4(OSX) handle logic express? i only have 512 MB and i read Lepetitmartien saying that 768 MB is not enough ( LPM, if you are reading this what were you refering to?)

question #2 i am living in spain (canary islands) and retailers/ distributors in the US dont ship overseas, does anyone know any reliable retailers in Europe ( U.K. will be too expensive!)

question #3 if i buy the MOTU interface in europe, will it be rated to work only with european voltage? or can it function in the states also?

thank you,

rodrigo ramos
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post Wed 16 May 2007, 17:48
Post #2


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hey there rodrigo- i can't answer all your questions, but hopefully i can give some insight- i have also a g4 power book, i have 768 ram- i run logic pro on it and don't really have problems. i would STRONGLY suggest using a hundred bucks or so of that and invest in a 1G ram chip, it will do you a world of good. i would go with logic and motu, just because logic is very powerful and motu has always been known for their quality. i can't give you any info about dealers tho, sorry- not familiar with overseas- good luck with everything- hope it works out good for ya...
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post Thu 17 May 2007, 06:39
Post #3


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Question # 2)

Here in the U.S., I have had good luck with Full Compass Systems <>. Their staff has always been helpful in determining what is the best system for my needs, and they don't try and sell you things you don't need. When I've needed assistance or information, I've found that talking to one of their staff on the telephone was immensely helpful. I don't know if they ship overseas, but I would be surprised if overseas sales were not an option. Last fall, I purchased Logic Express from Apple, an external hard drive and hardware interface from Full Compass for less than $1000. I think around $700 - $800 for all three, if I remember correctly.

Good luck, and have fun!

QUOTE (Rodrigo Ramos @ Wed 16 May 2007, 09:30) *
Hello everybody,

Alright here is where i am at, i have a Mac G4 powerbook and a 1000 dollars to invest in my first interface and software (aaah!) Like several other writers i have been contemplating between:
digidesign mbox with PTLE vs. MOTU ultralite with logic express.

I want to record mostly acoustic instruments (saxophone, elec and acoustic guitars etc.) but i also want to do field recordings (animals and machines) and i am certain that at some point i will work with midi. I am inspired by the work of brian eno, nigel goodrich (radiohead, beck) jim orourke and john mcentire.

Although i am looking towards doing mainly audio recordings i feel like MOTU/logic is more advantageous - 1) both are particularly MAC oriented, 2)both seem to be more flexible in working with other programs 3) tech support for both sounds more favorable- interestingly i have only found one complaint against Logic/MAC (hahaworld from last november) but i have seen much more complaints about digidesign and PTLE tech support. . . me being a newbie this is important. 4) reviews seem more positive about MOTU preamps than the digi mbox 5) MOTU has more analog i/o than the digi mbox.
Does my reasoning make sense?

question #1 can my MAC G4(OSX) handle logic express? i only have 512 MB and i read Lepetitmartien saying that 768 MB is not enough ( LPM, if you are reading this what were you refering to?)

question #2 i am living in spain (canary islands) and retailers/ distributors in the US dont ship overseas, does anyone know any reliable retailers in Europe ( U.K. will be too expensive!)

question #3 if i buy the MOTU interface in europe, will it be rated to work only with european voltage? or can it function in the states also?

thank you,

rodrigo ramos
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post Thu 17 May 2007, 10:16
Post #4


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Get an Mbox PRO. You'll be working with the software that makes you compatible worldwide. Logic has serious - imo incorrectable - latency issues.
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post Thu 17 May 2007, 14:57
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When you decide on the interface, try , they have multiple language passibilities and ship anywhere in EU free, prices are almost euro conversions from advertised $US, good service and warranty.
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Rodrigo Ramos
post Thu 17 May 2007, 15:00
Post #6


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a big thank you to everyone for your responses, i hadnt considered an external drive and that makes A LOT OF SENSE. Hanuman, thank you for your advice but my mind is made up on MOTU, plus in the reviews/comments that i have found ji havent read anybody complain about latency issues. . . my informed gut is telling me that MOTU ultralite/logic express is the way to go.

gracias desde las islas canarias

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post Tue 22 May 2007, 03:19
Post #7

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Hello, Mr. Ramos!

HaHaWorld here. Yes, you heard me complain about Logic on my desktop computer, but you haven't heard me sing its praises on my laptop. I have a 2003 G4 Powerbook that absolutely screams with Logic, and leaves my worthless 2006 G5 Quad desktop in the dust. I gave up on ProTools about 4 years ago when I started learning Logic, and I've never looked back. I use a PreSonus Firebox and a PreSonus Firepod on the road for an audio/MIDI interface, and they are both great. I have had troubles with the Firebox, but PreSonus has the best customer support of just about any company I've dealt with. So, I swear by PreSonus, and I haven't had any serious problems since they replaced my defective Firebox.

Logic is wonderful for recording live instruments once you get used to the interface. Now, there is definitely a steeper learning curve with Logic than with ProTools, but in the long run I predict you'll find that Logic plays well with others while ProTools always threatens to quit the game and take his ball home with him. I have not had very many good things to say about DigiDesign tech support in the past, but you know, a lot of times it's just about who you talk to. Sometimes you get a real pain in the ______ on the tech support line who doesn't really represent the whole company. Maybe they just had a bad slice of bacon for breakfast or something. Who knows?

Anyway, I have no experience with the MOTU interfaces, but I read good things. I think your G4 will definitely handle Logic Express, as I run Logic Pro on mine without a hitch. As a matter of fact, I scored a whole movie on my laptop last year, and it kept up with me. Sure, I had to freeze a track here and there to lighten the CPU load, but doesn't everyone?

I do agree that you need as much RAM as that puppy will hold, however. RAM is not that expensive these days, and you should definitely max out your G4 to 2G. And don't fall for Apple's line that you have to buy Apple-approved RAM. That's a crock. Apple-approved RAM is more expensive, and that's the only difference. I've been using generic RAM in my Macs since 1998, and everything seems to be okay (except on my crappy new G5 desktop Quad which is still slower than Christmas).

You go with your G4 laptop and find out how much like Christmas Logic can be when it's working great.

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post Tue 22 May 2007, 06:29
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here's my 2¢

I have little experience w/ protools other than Protools free, which screwed up my old G3 enabled Mac Clone!
I have read much weirdness, seem that it wortks great with non mac units, but I am sure others say the opposite sorta like the Maudio stuff n macs...

I have a Presonus Firebox, for over 2years it has never functioned correctly
I did just get a MOTU ultralite
and so far it is everything the presonus is not

I don't have experience with logic sorry
sol far I do like the ulralite audiodesk which it is bundled with

the MOTU is working great w/ my iBook G4 1.25ghz / 1.25GB Ram
80GB (2- 40GB partitions) 7200rpm HD


~ Archival Audio ~
Archiving Worthy Music
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Rodrigo Ramos
post Tue 22 May 2007, 10:32
Post #9


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Thank you HaHaworld and ArchivalAudio for your input, i feel like motu/logic is the road for me. . . as a side note, two nights ago i went to the apple website and watched the logic express demo, and i gotta say it looks really clean and doable. . . of course, i won't be flying around the DAW like the charming english lad in the demo, but it wasnt intimidating either.
On the other side of the coin where is the protools demo??? I went to digidesign's website and found nothing that would introduce or orientate their software (DAW) to someone (like myself.)

Anyhow, I am going to max out my RAM to 2G and i am ordering the 10.4 tiger discs from apple to get my G4 ready for logic. Now my next big question is:
what ext hard drive do i get? In another thread concerning this issue (should i begin another thread for this topic?) i read several complaints against Lacie and postive things about maxtor. . . does anyone have comments or advice?

SHould i really go for a FW ext. HD? My G4 has 2 FW ports (800 & 400)? I am assuming the the MOTU ultralite will want the 800 port, which leaves the 400 for the HD? Can anyone comment on more optimized HDs for audio, should i be looking specifically for a HD with an oxford 911 chipset? what does it do?

Again, i dont have a big budget (100-200euros), i want to get started with just one ext. hard drive for the moment and i know this is contrary to what Lepetitmartien and others have said- two ext. HDs are ideal 1-to save and the other for backup. For now, i am going to take my chances with just one.

whats the word?

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post Tue 22 May 2007, 18:09
Post #10


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i have a lacie and haven't had any problems with it- also have just one and it hasn't been a problem, altho if it crashed i would cry. on my hd there is are two firewire ports, so you can daisychain them together if you need...
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