Atari Mon Vieux, recup de fichier atari sur mac |
Tue 13 Aug 2002, 18:57

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From: Nogent Sur Marne - FR
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bonjours bonjours d'abord merci a ceux qui m'ont repondu next, j'ai pas trouver encore la soluce mais ça viendra aujourd hui c'est un probleme vieux de chez vieux comment récuperer des fichier midi provenant d'un atari (logiciel doct T) pour les mettre sur cubase ! merci de rien pour la soluce
Thu 15 Aug 2002, 19:27

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All Macintoshes made in the last six years have a 3.5 inch 1.4 Megabyte (Mb) SuperFloppy floppy disk drive (also called a FDHD for Floppy Drive, High Density). These drives can read 400 Kb, 800 Kb and 1.4 Mb Macintosh floppies, 800 Kb Apple IIgs floppies, and 720 Kb and 1.44 Mb MS-DOS formatted floppies. Apple includes a program called PC Exchange with the Macintosh System 7 Software, which allows you to read data from and write data to a MS-DOS floppy, and to copy it on and off your hard drive.
PC Exchange (and two other commercial programs, DOS Mounter and AccessPC) make it easy for you by allowing the MS-DOS floppy to appear on the Macintosh's Desktop as if it were a Mac floppy. This eliminates the need for Apple File Exchange, and allows you to drag the files that you want on and off the floppy. The programs also map the MS-DOS file extension (the three character portion of the file name appearing after the period) to certain Macintosh programs. For example, this allows you to pre-define that any document with a .DOC or .TXT extension will automatically be opened into your Macintosh word processor software, or that Lotus .WK1 files will open Microsoft Excel spreadsheet when you double-click them.
There are also programs available for PCs that allow Mac diskettes to be read on the PC: Conversions Plus from DataViz, MacDisk from Insignia and MacEtte (shareware)
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