Happy Gregorian New Year |
Mon 3 Jan 2005, 04:02
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 13-Apr 03
From: Irvine - US
Member No.: 16,051
happy gregorian new year!! I wish this year, more and more chinese, japanese, korean, taiwanese will realize that the root and basis of thier cultures, their languages, is based in china, kanji, han ji, traditional chinese, simpliefied chinese, korean, hangul, hiragana, are all part of this great knowledge we can not afford to ignore and lose, I hope east asia will form a union like european union, since they all study a variant of same knowledge, I hope china keep influence asia through its language, culture, knowledge, I also wish china, japan, korea, taiwan become one country, we can help the world better as one than european union or american/canada, love and peace
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