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440 Forums _ GarageBand, Soundtrack _ Garageband/fade

Posted by: maziz Fri 3 Mar 2006, 09:02


I have to cut down a piece lasting 5 minutes to 2 minutes and I'd like to do so using a fade out rather than abruptly stop the piece. How can I do this?


Posted by: gdoubleyou Sat 4 Mar 2006, 00:33

Not at my Mac right now, but I think it's under ther view menu, display audio volume.(bad memory)
Should display the rubbeband volume controls.

Or you can record the movements of the volume fader.

This can be done by individual tracks, or globally by displaying the Master track.

If this explanation isn't clear, engage the help menu for exact details.


Posted by: kaboombahchuck Sat 4 Mar 2006, 15:07

It is fairly simplle...
Depending on what track it is you want to fade... at any rate, or on any track... click on the down looking arrow, located along with the head phone looking icon and the speeker looking icon. This will give you what is called a volume drawing track right below the track you want to control the volume of... Where you want the volume to fade... click, there should be a dot appear on the blue line. Click where you want the volume to be zero. Another blue dot will appear.. pull down to zero, and done.

Posted by: maziz Sat 4 Mar 2006, 18:17

thanks so much! you have saved the day! this is a GREAT forum...


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