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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Pc To Mac

Posted by: mts2121 Thu 29 May 2003, 18:08

Is there a way to download updates for Mac onto a PC disk and then load that program in Mac? Any help is appreciated. Thanks for the help on the last question....

Posted by: jczerbe Fri 30 May 2003, 14:16

I do this all the time because I have a fast connection at work.

I download the files, and DO NOT unstuff/unzip them.

I then transfer the files to my IBM Microdrive (via Zio! USB) or to a CDR.

Then, on my mac(s) I copy the files, unstuff/unzip them, and Voila!

The only time this doesn't work is if the software REQUIRES that you update by connecting directly from the mac.

Hope that helps!

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