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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Trying To Convert

Posted by: mnsixstring Thu 25 Aug 2005, 21:38

I'm thinking of aquiring a computer for recording and had a few questions. I have a Roland VS1880 which I was thinking about using to capture my tracks and then running from the Roland through the M-audio audiophile/firebox/other firewire device into a mac to be determined for mixing/editing. So I would be transferring a few tracks at a time but ending up with 10-12 track range songs. I don't do MIDI so that's not much of an issue. Wondering if a mac mini will cut it (1GB RAM) or try and find a used G4/G5, trying to keep the computer part of it around $1K or less. Just don't like the editing on the Roland and thought the computer would give me more flexiblity. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or opinions.

Posted by: customdigi Fri 26 Aug 2005, 00:31

I have an old 1680 that I use for location stuff and have used it extensively with Pro Tools in the way that you describe, for editing. The sync is a little dicey to get set up at first, but it works....

I use a mac mini with 1gb of ram, a firewire 410 interface (maudio) and pro tools m powered. I say go for it, just expect a bit of a learning curve and you will probably have to stretch your 1000 budget a bit...

Have fun!


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