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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ How Much Hard Drive Space Do I Need?

Posted by: synapse Thu 15 Jan 2004, 16:19

I have a 12" Powerbook 1GHZ G4 with a 60gig hard drive and 768RAM. I am about to purchase the MOTU 896 and possibly the Glyph GT 103. I will be using this setup as a portable studio. Now for my question. Approximately how much space is needed for recording 8 simultaneous inputs at 192kHz for one hour?

Is there a formula for figuring out hard drive space needed for a certain amount of inputs for a certain amount of time?

Thanks for any assistance...

Posted by: nate d Thu 15 Jan 2004, 19:18

Just an aside for you; the Powerbook 12" has a 4200rpm hard drive. This is pretty slow for audio recording...I know Logic recommends a 7200rpm drive. So you may want to consider purchasing an external firewire harddrive (or a firewire enclosure in which you can put a hard drive into). Speeds are much better, plus you have all of your audio on a separate drive which I find easier.

As for your original question, I know ProTools tells you on the status bar exactly how much time you have left on your hard drive. You can divide this time by the number of tracks you'll have to get the total length of recording time you have left. I thought Logic displayed this somewhere too but I may be wrong. Can anyone confirm?

Posted by: synapse Thu 15 Jan 2004, 22:42

The slower drive on the 12" Powerbook is the main reason I plan to purchase the Glyph GT 103. It is a 1U rack with space for three hot swappable firewire drives. Expensive YES, but a great piece of equipment.

This brings up another question. Will I run into problems recording directly to an external firewire drive?

Posted by: nate d Thu 15 Jan 2004, 23:30

Wow, that sounds like a great piece of gear!

And recording to an external firewire drive should not be a problem at all.

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