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440 Forums _ Pro Tools _ Protools Error (-1133) - Won't Upload

Posted by: maxryzone Mon 30 May 2005, 19:50

HELP...I have been having trouble with this darn ProTools for the longest. I originally had it installed but it would give me a dark screen when I would try to create a session. I spoke with one of my music stores, and they told me that for me to get a bigger hard drive. So I did, and I upgraded to "Tiger" on my Powerbook.

Well, whenever I try to open looks like its opening but then stops when its uploading with the message - "Digidesign hardware is in use by another appliation. (-1133)". So what does this mean? what should I do?

I have been having so much trouble to get this to work. I just want to make some music for crying out loud. Please, me.

Posted by: coldharbour Mon 30 May 2005, 21:51

Which PT are you using?

Do you have some other program using Digi hardware, like QuickTime, iTunes, Logic? Quit all other apps and try relaunching.

From Digi answerbase : "In one case, after following other Answerbase recommendations for this error code, uninstalling the software (using the custom install option), then deleting the entire digidesign folder from the applications folder, and then reinstalling Pro Tools LE solved the problem.

Also, check that date and time system preference is set to the correct time, date, and year."

Posted by: ronaldl Mon 30 May 2005, 22:00

From the Digidesign website:

"The initial release of Pro Tools LE 6.9 will not work with the new Mac OS X version 10.4 "Tiger" operating system.
A free compatibility update for Pro Tools LE 6.9 for Mac OS X 10.4 is expected to be available within 8 to 10 weeks of the 10.4 "Tiger" release."

In other words, look for an update for Tiger compatibility some time in June. PTLE 6.9 isn't even supported on OS X 10.3.9 yet.

Posted by: lepetitmartien Tue 31 May 2005, 00:15

Tiger and PT LE were in our news 2-3 weeks ago… and It's a VERY BAD idea to upgrade before looking on the page on Digidesign website (or at least asking ere of course… wink.gif cool.gif
I love the search engine smile.gif wink.gif

Posted by: arvidtp Tue 31 May 2005, 00:32

Yeah, you should not upgrade your system until the upgrade is officially blessed by Digidesign about 8-10 weeks later, or maybe a year. its sorta silly, but i guess that's the Pro Tools we have bought into. dont you just love digidesign? I for one am glad that tomorrow, when my new audio interface arrives, my musicmaking can start being completely free of that silly company's products. wooohoo!

Posted by: maxryzone Tue 31 May 2005, 18:22

I had originally purchased the Mbox without knowing ProTools 5.2 was included. An Apple rep said it would be a good idea to get the Mbox with my Logic 6 purchase. Now, I have had too many problems with Logic 6, including the idea of buying the sounds. So I decided to switch and try the ProTools. I had installed it, but it would give me a faint, gray screen whenever I would try to start a session - thus, forcing me to restart my computer.

A local music store rep tried helping me, but he said it might be that I need a bigger hard drive. So, I went ahead and bought another drive. I ended up transferring all my data to the new hard drive when I upgraded to "Tiger." First of all, once I installed Tiger, I decided to reinstall ProTools to fix whatever bug it might have had. Of course, it needed the Classic OS to install - which I had to get from the portable hard drive I bought. However, when I tried to use 5.2 in the Classic Mode. It still have me an error message. I decided to install the upgrade 6.4. So I went ahead and did that on my Powerbook laptop. And whenever I start ProTools, it gives me the -1133 error message. And from reading this post, you all are telling me Tiger is not compatible with ProTools 6.9, and most likely is not compatible with 6.4.

So after dealing with not successfully installing and using Logic or ProTools, I am really disappointed. Should I just go out and get Garageband? I am extremely interested in making all this "start-up" problems for the past several months is depressing i hope someone can help!

Posted by: arvidtp Wed 1 Jun 2005, 01:10

no way - use logic! many of the logic problems you have encountered are probably due to the Mbox. I use logic 6.4.3 day-in-day out. I really like it.

you should get a better audio interface, cause u got the good software tools already. I just got my new presonus firebox today - its soooo much better than the Mbox for use with Logic - like night and day! The Mbox was the wrong choice if you were planning to use logic as your main software. I dont exactly know what that apple rep was smokin' - or whether he just didn't know what he was talking about. blink.gif anyway best of luck

Posted by: lepetitmartien Wed 1 Jun 2005, 01:32

To run Logic smoothly, do like our Celmo, use an RME for Logic. It just works. Digidesign seems to have some issues behaving properly with its little comrades. wink.gif

See the Protools TDM/Tiger thread in the Comments for an idea of the configurations.

Posted by: maxryzone Wed 1 Jun 2005, 04:15

Ok...I really appreciate the you all are making me think about re-installing my Logic 6.

However, I was doing some researching today. I know when I installed Logic 6, i was upset to learn that I had to "purchase" the sounds! And then I learned all this when Logic 7 came out, and learned that Logic 7 comes free with all these sounds (correct me if I am wrong).

So now I am thinking, should I order the Logic 7 upgrade for $299 and enjoy all these free sounds that Logic 6 never came with? On top of that, I also wanted to try GarageBand and get some of their Jam Packs (particularly the remix one) since the Apple site says it blends with Logic as well. Side question - what interface should I get? and if I decide on a keyboard? which one?

I was considering of auctioning off my Logic 6 Program - I never used it...I did authorize the XS Key - so I was confused on how this works. So now, with this conversation and my many problems with ProTools/Mbox, I think I will auction that one off.

So if anyone thinks I am making a mistake, or agree with what I plan to do. Please provide comments. I need you expertise advice, and believe, I really do appreciate everyone's comments and to take the time to help a guy out.

Posted by: arvidtp Wed 1 Jun 2005, 05:12

well, yeah... Logic is for making your own sounds. Your own sounds will be much more interesting, anyway. Believe me. You will love them more if they are your own babies, and the love of the sounds is what can make it sweet, no?

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