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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Sampling Vinyl Using Logic

Posted by: deltanein Thu 15 Apr 2004, 06:26

This is my first forum experience so please forgive any error in posting etiquette.

I'm researching software that will allow me to

1- Sample records
2- Sequence those samples
3- Multitrack record

Does logic allow for all of these applications?

I've played with live, reason(barely), and garage band.

GB seems extremely limited

reason wont let me sample vinyl w/o additional software, and has no multitracking

Live lets me sample but no multitracking.

Any suggestions?

Posted by: PhilTrueman Thu 15 Apr 2004, 15:18

Hi deltanein,

Yes, Logic can do all of that. Although you will need extra gear to get the vinyl signal into Logic in the first place. I have just 'Digitised' an album that is only available on vinyl so that I can listen to it on my iPOD and in my car.

Sample records - no problem. Copyrights respected.
Sequence those samples - yes, normalise them, compress them, slice them up, mess them up - have loads of fun.
Multitrack - yup - although you'll need some kind of multi input device - you are using one of the best tools in the business to do all of that.

Good luck


Posted by: deltanein Fri 16 Apr 2004, 02:38

Thanks for the reply,
Do you know which version will suffice?

Posted by: PhilTrueman Fri 16 Apr 2004, 10:56

Hi deltanein,

If you are just about to buy a copy of Logic - you have a choice on OSX between Logic Pro and Logic Express.

Both versions will do exactly what you want.

If you can afford Logic Pro - you'll have the flagship product.

Logic Express has some features missing - please see eMagic's or Apple's website for details - but will still do what you want.



Posted by: Barb Fri 16 Apr 2004, 14:17

Express will do it but you may want the other bells and whistles of Pro after a while.

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