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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Logic - Where To Start!?!?

Posted by: maxryzone Wed 5 Jan 2005, 00:24

Ok...I have this software, installed it...and I thought it would be easier to use. I actually thought it would be like SOUNDTRACK. However, I am seeing how wrong I was...

Can anyone help me to tell me what I need to do to get started? what equipment I need (MIDI, equalizer)? If anyone can show me a visualization of connections that would be great. Please help...

Posted by: swilder Wed 5 Jan 2005, 00:34

what version of logic are you using? What hardware are you using? what's your computer setup?

Posted by: maxryzone Wed 5 Jan 2005, 18:00

I have Logic 6.3 Platinum on my Powerbook G4. It took sometime to get it downloaded because I kept getting error messages, but anyway, it is now showing up on my screen with the XS Key.

Please forgive my ignorance...I am new to music software. I love music, and I want to create bare with me. My understanding is that I can create music with Logic, and the software has its instruments that you can play with and create beats. Well, I don't hear any sound...I don't know where to go to get sound. This whole discussion on MIDI, interfaces is mind-boggling at this point. I sorta get it, but don't completely understand it.

I thought Logic would be simple and not consist of all these other hardware or equipment (i.e. equalizers, interfaces, etc.). Please let me know what equipment I need exactly to make my home studio. And if possible, a visualization. This is ALL NEW TO ME...but I hope you or anyone else can help to just get me started...

Let me know if you need me to give you any more info. Thank you very much.

Posted by: maxryzone Wed 5 Jan 2005, 18:01

I have Logic 6.3 Platinum on my Powerbook Titanium G4 (1GB). It took sometime to get it downloaded because I kept getting error messages, but anyway, it is now showing up on my screen with the XS Key.

Please forgive my ignorance...I am new to music software. I love music, and I want to create bare with me. My understanding is that I can create music with Logic, and the software has its instruments that you can play with and create beats. Well, I don't hear any sound...I don't know where to go to get sound. This whole discussion on MIDI, interfaces is mind-boggling at this point. I sorta get it, but don't completely understand it.

I thought Logic would be simple and not consist of all these other hardware or equipment (i.e. equalizers, interfaces, etc.). Please let me know what equipment I need exactly to make my home studio. And if possible, a visualization. This is ALL NEW TO ME...but I hope you or anyone else can help to just get me started...

Let me know if you need me to give you any more info. Thank you very much.

Posted by: PhilTrueman Wed 5 Jan 2005, 19:21


Talk about jumping in at the deep end! You have installed one of the most complex (and versatile) Digital Audio Workstations around.

It will work like Soundtrack - if you import the loops.
To do more - you need to plug in actual audio gear - guitars etc and/or MIDI gear - keyboard and sound modules.

I think you need to read some manuals on Logic - a good starting point is "Get creative with EMagic Logic" by Keith Gemmel and/or "Making Music with emagic Logic Audio" by Stephen Bennett.

Oh - and reading the forums here.

You are not alone. Good luck!


Posted by: maxryzone Wed 5 Jan 2005, 19:33

Thank you Phil.

How do I import the loops? I look at Logic, and yes, it looks very complicated. I see all the instrument icons. My thought was that it would make its own sounds and I can edit them. However, I get NO SOUND from it at all. Therefore, it made me start thinking that i actually need a MIDI Interface, a MIDI and whatever else. However, if you are saying I don't need it, then please explain a bit more.

And yes, thank you for the book suggestions. I will go get one at least...I really am interested in making music...I just need to learn to get started. Thank you again for your is EXTREMELY appreciated!

Posted by: ausair Wed 5 Jan 2005, 22:43

QUOTE (maxryzone @ Jan 5 2005, 17:01)
I have Logic 6.3 Platinum on my Powerbook Titanium G4 (1GB). It took sometime to get it downloaded because I kept getting error messages, but anyway, it is now showing up on my screen with the XS Key.

Please forgive my ignorance...


I believe that Logic 7 comes in a box with a manual and possibly some instructions on how to use it.
Ahh, but I see you have the downloaded version 6.3 which presumably comes with limited support.

Perhaps the vendor or the download service could provide you with assistance.

I am sure all Macmusic readers would be interested to known they can get this dowbnloaded version of Logic.

Posted by: terrywil Thu 6 Jan 2005, 06:21

I really sympathize with you. I just about went mad when I started out with Logic 6. The stock manual was no help. I happened on to a great book that was perfect - it shows you how to do things, with pictures and easy, step by step lessons. I really, really recommend it - "Logic 6: Professional Music Creation and Audio Production" by Martin Sitter and Robert Bock. Available at

Posted by: ROBBO2003 Thu 6 Jan 2005, 13:12

Been a professional logic user since 2000. Here are some observations.
1) logic has improved in performance over the years. Logic Pro 7 being the best yet.
2) Most problems arise from Emagic having to make an extremely
complex app work on many computer platforms and still be relatively simple to use. Obviously this didn't work too well, so now it's a Mac App only. Looks like it's based on Cocoa now, and thankfully, is much more stable. I really believe that the problems most users have been dogged with are not Emagic's fault, but rather
the vagarities in differing OS's and Hardware set-ups.
3) I still run LP6.3 in OS9 as well as Pro 7 in OS10.3. Pro 7 is much more efficient but I keep LP6 for some special plug-ins.
4) Here's the kicker: I'm still using the Mac G4 450Mhz DP I purchased in 2000!!! If anything, the performance has improved a lot with OS10.3, and I don't use OS9 for music much now at all.
This machine is five years old!!!
5)Logic has allowed me to produce top quality projects for myself and many others. (I have a new CD out - totally produced in Logic.)
6) To use Logic and similar software properly, you need a good understanding of music theory and audio engineering. Being able to get around a piano keyboard is also an advantage.
7) Full range monitoring quality speakers and high quality microphones are a must!!! You can't mix what you can't hear, so most computer and bookshelf type speakers don't cut it. You should spend at least the same amount of money on these items as you would on the computer and software.
8) To my mind, you can't make good music without training. These apps do speed the process up a bit but nothing substitutes for hard work (many, many hours) and talent (the X factor).
9) I don't think Logic was ever a hobbist's app. It's touted that way but don't believe the hype. Let's just hope Apple don't "dumb" it down anymore than it already is just to sell more copies. Rocket science it isn't, but neither is it a "walk in the park on a sunny day".

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