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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Keyboard Prob In Logic - Screen Probs Too....

Posted by: PAUL R Mon 22 Jan 2007, 15:25

Running latest LOGIC and latest OSX...
This is a samll problem but it is driving me nuts !!

After a while recording/mixing etc the computer keyboard ( not controller keyboard ) gradually stops working.
Usually the track re size keys ( control + arrows ) stop working first.
Then numerical keys stop working - so I am often stuck on say a mixer page unable to go back to the arrange page.
At this point I have to save and close Logic then it will work as normal again....
Another symptom is that the track strips wont show properly i.e some details are missing , fader strip etc - also the floating toolbox shows as BLANK squares with no tools in them...other similar graphic probs too..
Same thing I save and re start and usually all works well for a while.
I got a new iMac and swapped keyboard it seemed to solve problem at first then - out of the blue the keyboard stopped working slowly one key at a time !!
I tried different usb ins for keyboard and recently bought a Kensington 7-way powered usb port - everything else works fine but track graphics and keyboard problems STILL happen quite randomly !!

Anyone - any ideas .... it is annoying really - it's not stopping me from working - just ANNOYING.

Cheers Paul

Posted by: gdoubleyou Mon 22 Jan 2007, 19:02

Sounds like a hardware failure, Run the hardware test disk that came with your machine.

Posted by: PAUL R Thu 25 Jan 2007, 13:56

Hi - thanks for thr reply - I need some advice please.
I order to run hardware test I would have to remove my motu pci card and lacie firewire card, also read that additional ram would have to be removed and usb stuff too but not the keyboard and mouse of course.
This sounds like a big job for me and I must say that the keyboard and mouse seem to be working fine in other applications so is it still worth doing the Hardware test ?
Could this be a fault or bug inside the Logic programme ?
What would the Hardware test tell me,would it offer soloutions and possible fixes or just say the keyboard aint working....
Advice appreciated - Paul sad.gif

QUOTE (gdoubleyou @ Mon 22 Jan 2007, 18:02) *
Sounds like a hardware failure, Run the hardware test disk that came with your machine.

Posted by: Marsu Tue 20 Feb 2007, 13:35


Many MacPro are problems with Motu interface and FireWire bus. Try to start Logic with no audio and midi interfaces, and no FireWire HardDrive.

If this session run good, it's a hardware problems with Motu and FireWire card. sad.gif

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