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440 Forums _ Other Controllers, Interfaces, DSP Cards _ Soundcard For My G5?

Posted by: springbok Fri 1 Jul 2005, 15:01

Do I need to get a soundcard for my G5 (to Utilize Reason and DP, Live etc) or can I use the built in soundcard - and is that the "IAC driver" in Mac AudioMidi setup?

Would appreciate a clue�

Posted by: brendan Fri 1 Jul 2005, 15:19

If you're not going to record any real instruments -- vocals, live guitars, etcetera -- then you will be just fine using the built-in sound in your G5. You can slap a pair of headphones into the headphone jack and reason/live yourself into blissful oblivion.

If you *do* want to record live instruments or vocals, then that's a different story:

You can either:
1. get an audio interface (from Edirol, Digidesign, Tascam, M-Audio, or the like)
2. take advantage of the G5's very snazzy lightpipe audio in and buy a nice preamp with lightpipe audio out, and go from there.

Hope this helps.

I don't think you need to worry about the "IAC driver" at this point.

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