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440 Forums _ Plug-Ins and Virtual Instruments _ Vst Effects Plug-ins For Os X?

Posted by: taco6 Tue 27 Aug 2002, 00:53

I'm having a hard time finding VST effects plug-ins for OS X. Any websites or names would be helpful. Thanks.

Posted by: prutulz Fri 30 Aug 2002, 13:22

i'm afraid that no VST plug-ins are currently released for OS X.

but now that jaguar is realeased, Cubase should soon appear on OSX, and this will certainly lead the developpers to update their VST plugs.

Posted by: formatj Fri 30 Aug 2002, 15:58

There are actually OS X VST plug-ins released already!
You can download some from the sites below to name a few.


Posted by: damann Sun 1 Sep 2002, 01:43

indeed formatj! cool.gif
also, destroy fx @, who even provide the open source code!
look around, there are even more osx ready vst plugs out there...

Posted by: taco6 Sun 1 Sep 2002, 04:42

You guys rule! Thanks for the tip!

Posted by: formatj Sun 1 Sep 2002, 09:23

Also try:

Posted by: hmurchison Mon 2 Sep 2002, 01:08

Looks like VST is DEAD on OSX. All hail the new King Audio Units!

heheh well if you use Logic Audio.

Posted by: taco6 Mon 2 Sep 2002, 01:16

wow...that's crazy. Can't wait to see what comes of it.

Posted by: hmurchison Mon 2 Sep 2002, 02:04

QUOTE (taco6 @ Sep 2 2002, 00:16)
wow...that's crazy. Can't wait to see what comes of it.

I guess Emagics says it's easy to port and Develpers are positive.

The cool thing is once Apple revamps all their apps to support Core Audio these plugin dev will have a much larger market to sell to

They can create "lite" version for iMovie users.

They can create effects tailored for video user using Final Cut Pro.

DVD Studio Pro might have Audio Units tailored for Multichannel surround.

The opportunities are endless. EVERY Mac will come with apps that you can sell plugins for.

Audio Units also aren't just for effects...Synthesizers, Midi and Sampling are options as well.

Imagine someone sending you and iMovie with embedded synth or midi tracks that would automatically play your local synths in Core Audio. Can you say REALLY Cool!

Posted by: Barhumafas Mon 2 Sep 2002, 22:54

I wouldn't worry to much about all of this. This is a direct quote from Logic OS X Readme.

Mac OS X introduces a new, system-wide audio plug-in format for effects, synthesizers and samplers known as "Audio Units". The Audio Units concept offers not only a system-wide standard, but also improved performance over previous plug-in formats: improved handling of multiple audio streams (for example surround signals with any number of channels), shorter development time, compatibility between more applications with OS X, and robust graphics and editor support with individually sizeable windows. The feedback from plug-in developers is, even at this early stage, very positive indeed. Because of these and other advantages in comparison to current 3rd party native DSP plugin formats, Emagic has decided to focus on Audio Units exclusively. The decision to only support Audio Units was not taken lightly; we listened to both developers and users before making this decision and are convinced that Audio Units represents the optimal path forward for plug-in development. We understand, of course, that some users may initially be concerned that they will no longer be able to use their favorite 3rd party plug-ins in Logic under OS X. However, upon closer examination, the facts are that all plug-ins available under Mac OS 9 must be adapted ("carbonized") to function under OS X at all, and that this task has been carried out for only a relatively small fraction (we optimistically estimate between 5 - 10%) of the available 3rd party plug-ins. This means that the Macintosh audio community now has a unique opportunity to standardize on a cutting-edge system-level format built into the OS, rather than dilute its development efforts by continuing to support a disparate and often poorly documented range of “standards”. With the sincere wish, therefore, to encourage competition at the level of functionality and applications, Emagic encourages all users, plug-in developers and host developers to support the Audio Unit standard.
To make that decision as easy as possible, we are developing a library which allows the porting of existing carbonized VST plug-ins to Audio Unit plug-ins with only very little effort. Using this method, depending on the plug-in it should be possible to create Audio Unit plugins
literally within hours – an exceptionally small investment in time. This library will be made available free of charge to all developers who request it. Be that as it may, we regret any short-term inconvenience experienced by those users who already have OS X 3rd party plug-ins that do not yet comply with the Audio Unit standard. Rest assured that this inconvenience is temporary, and that the end result of this decision will be a far more functional and powerful plug-in format, universally supported by all of your favorite plug-ins under Mac OS X. We will all get a single DSP plug-in standard which is directly tied into the operating system and which can be used by any application - big or small - connected with audio.

Posted by: damann Tue 3 Sep 2002, 19:05

this is all well and good for the future, but SO drastic a move! to just dump us "up the creek without a paddle". angry.gif
are they really suggesting it's about an hours work to re-code battery, b4, and the other 40 or 50 vsti's that i use? what about my powered plugins?
i really feel like typing a load of expletives here, but it won't change anything.
i guess i'll have to get coding...

Posted by: hmurchison Wed 4 Sep 2002, 19:12

I'll reserve final judgement until I see the quality of AudioUnits versus VST.

If the latency and efficiency are on par or better.

If the actual useage is superior then I'm a happy camper.

AES is coming soon and that could be a nice coming out party for plug ins and OSX.

Posted by: Levon River Wed 4 Sep 2002, 23:39

Specific to neither of the foregoing messages, but germane to both, my intractably suspicious nature is now focusing its magnifying glass on the "AudioUnits" segment of OS X, and finding, so far... NOTHING.

Coupling that with the statement that Logic for OS X itself works with pre-Jaguar versions, methinks, "A-ha!" Here we have the culprit.

DAW/MIDI sequencers without plugins are like pancakes without syrup. If it's so %#^&* easy to port VST modules to "AudioUnits," they ~why~ have we gone so long with NO--zero, nada, zip--such conversions appearing?

Elementary, my dear Elvis: because pre-Jaguar bugs/limitations in the OS made that CRUCIAL cross-over difficult-to-impossible for several major players in the plug-ins game, and until those vitally important razor blades could be produced, there was no point in selling the razors--for the very reasons that this topic is being so hotly discussed now.

Call me what you want, but don't call me chicken; it requires at least a turkey to stick his neck out this far. smile.gif

Posted by: damann Thu 5 Sep 2002, 00:28

if reserving judgement means carrying on with 9.2 in the meantime.
you don't have much choice! huh.gif
otherwise what exactly are you going to use in the meantime?
if you read my posts, i don't use hardware other than to record audio into the mac. no synths...fx...other than emagic's.
hang on, you don't use logic, right?
or protools,
or dp,
what are you going to use while you reserve your judgement? unsure.gif
cheers, i'll have a 9.2

Levon River,
you are so damn right!
the usual conspiracy.

you know, this IS the truth.
i really contemplated suing dodgydesign in the earlier days. unsure.gif
software developers consistantly release product that just isn't quite "up to the job", then release a bug fix or so, of which, some, they actually want MONEY for. wink.gif
the way osx and logic are going, they may as well bundle sdk's and code with the product! huh.gif
in fact, 10.2 does! laugh.gif

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