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440 Forums _ Tascam _ Tascam Us 122 Problems

Posted by: Hetradyne Wed 12 Oct 2005, 16:51

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=blue] Does anyone have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? I just bought a Tascm us 122 interface. I'm running the mic through it and can hear the signal through the amp I'm using but no signal is registering in Logic. I have the record button on the track engaged but there's no signal. I have it set up mic line in, R and L outs to amp and then the USB cable set up to the interface and the computer. Am I missing something???? Any help is appreciated. THANKS!!!!!!!

Posted by: Hetradyne Fri 14 Oct 2005, 05:00

I've also noticed that Itunes won't play when the us 122 is hooked up to my ibook. It's really strange. Any ideas anyone? Thanks.

Posted by: mortalengines Sat 15 Oct 2005, 19:45

There are some issues if you look in the forum with the 122 (particularly if you are running OSX 10.4 - Have you tried going into your preferences window? Under audio you need to make sure that the program is using the 122 for I/O & not its core audio drivers. As far as I tunes go, have you monitored thru the 122 to see if I tunes is actually playing thru it? These are just things you want to check out first.

Posted by: dwwave Sat 15 Oct 2005, 20:37


My guess is its the system preferances for audio out or in

(could be on the main Mac preferances or Logic Preferances

I have a Us-122 (but do not use Itunes that much)

but I do not have Logic

Just a guess But I think it might be that

Posted by: xingu Sun 16 Oct 2005, 05:40

My guess would be preferences as well, but not system prefs - make sure you have selected the 122 as the audio interface within Logic.

Posted by: starfox Thu 3 Nov 2005, 01:17

Hey Hetradyne
Have you had any luck? Im having the same problems, No audio from the line out. And no itunes. I can hear things clear from the phones jack but thats it. I've downloaded all the latest drivers and everything????This is totally pissing me off

Posted by: Hetradyne Thu 3 Nov 2005, 01:48

Hey Starfox-
No I couldn't figure it out!!! I ended up returning it I got so frustrated. I'm going to try something else made by another company. Tascam's customer service is THE WORST!!!
I'm sorry I can't be helpful at all. Good luck!!! There is a comparable interface a little more pricey but Firewire I'm looking into it. When I returned the Tascam the guy at the store said, "I understand."

Posted by: starfox Thu 3 Nov 2005, 02:42

Thanks for the reply. Im not sure what Im going to do I was trying to move all my recording to my mac but this puts a real kink in things. Oh well

Posted by: starfox Thu 3 Nov 2005, 03:53

YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I got it to work Im not sure what I did. I repaired permissions reinstalled tascam driver (again) and installed the new osx 10.4.3 update. I noted that this update deals alot with core audio!

Anyway does anyone know why I would be getting a delay in logic pro and not garage band. I checked driver settings within logic and the usi22 buffer is at 1 ms Is there something I'm missing?

Posted by: synthpro Mon 5 Dec 2005, 02:08

StarFox Man!!!!! You can't leave all of us MAC OX 10.4.3 users that are using the TASCAM US-122 hangn!!!!!

Please... tell me how you got your soundcard to speak with the computer. I am totally having the same problem as you did!!! And the drivers on Tascams website dont seem to solve the problem! I am totally completely stuck!

Starfox... you are my last hope!!!!

Posted by: synthpro Tue 6 Dec 2005, 02:10

OK Star Fox... your a dope... a big one. You know why???... cause your useless.... and you dont even realize it! You had this big time problem, that believe it or not... so many other MAC OS X 10.4.3 users using Tascam US 122's have. Anyways, I was one of them... and then to my dissapointment... when you said "YEAAAAHHHHHHHH I FIGURED IT OUT!!!... BUT UH... DUH..... I DONT KNOW HOW I DID IT... SORRY... I JUST DID... I'M A RETARD.... DUH"

Anyways, based on all the forums I went to, and gooling everything in site, I know there's alot of you out there... and so many have already returned either their Power Book, or their TASCAM. I came close myself. So here's the answer to the problem. I figured it out...

Go to the Tascam website:
Click on the driver OSX 3.3.2 (or whatever the specific number is I can't remeber). Now you will see that once downloaded... you probably wont be able to open it in your Power Book. Thats because OS X 10.4.3 doesnt recognize the extension of the driver.

To open this unreadable extension, you need to download the free STUFF IT application from the Alladin website (It is FREEWARE... or there is a free 30 day trial... so don't worry).

Now you have everything you need to open the driver. Go to the downloaded driver and chose OPEN WITH... and then pick STUFFIT. It will open it, then you can install your driver. Make sure you dont have your TASCAM connected. Reboot the computer, connect your USB, then open your cubase... and voila!!! It will pick up the signals from your TASCAM.

If it still doesnt, go to your preferences on the Power Book. Go to sounds. There are 3 tabs (EFFECTS, INPUTS, & OUTPUTS). Click on Inputs and Outputs, and change it from Built in stereo, to TASCAM US122). Now you will be all set!

Just so you know, it took me a whole weekend to figure this out. I hope this helps!


Posted by: hahaworld Tue 6 Dec 2005, 15:36

Must we resort to name-calling? If we must, can we use correct tense? Synthpro, you should have told Star Fox, "You're a dope," as in, "You are a dope." What you are trying to say, I believe, is that Star Fox IS a dope. Not that he possesses "a dope." When you use the possessive, "your," you imply that Star Fox has "a dope" and that he also has "useless," but the ellipsis leaves us hanging. Perhaps you could have finished the thought by saying, "Your a dope is nicer than your b dope," or "Your useless brain is taking up space on MacMusic," if you really wanted to use the possessive tense.

Also, "dont" should have an apostrophe. The apostrophe takes the place of the "o" in the word "not." This way, it becomes clear that a contraction is being used.

Posted by: synthpro Fri 9 Dec 2005, 05:57

OK HAHAWorld.... who knows... maybe your realing me into this absolutely geeky debate for laughs. But I'll bite.

If you are going to correct someone's english (which I know mine aint perfect)... than you must make ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY GODDAMN SURE, AND CERTAIN TO THE ONE THOUSANDTH PERCENT.... that your phrazes in the rebudle your using to the grammar in question, is going to be impecable.

"I believe, is that Star Fox IS a dope. Not that he possesses "a dope."

Bro... using 2 Is's in your sentance makes no sense, but only if the person reading it is an idiot like you and can't see past these details. The rest of us can, and if your on this website, its to solve peoples problems and ask questions about music. If you wanna practice your grammar, go to university and study english. As a matter of fact, I see you well suited in an english play, maybe Hamlet.

And guess what... I'm not even going to proof read this thread, so let's just end the matter here.

Posted by: hahaworld Sat 10 Dec 2005, 08:03

I WAS laughing till you typed G...D... in ALL CAPS.

I still stand by my defense of StarFox. You have no right to resort to name-calling on this site. You are correct in stating that the purpose of this website is to solve problems and answer questions about music. The tragedy of this entire argument is that you don't even see the irony. Explain to me how foul language and personal attacks are valid and acceptable avenues to problem-solving, and I'll concede the argument to you. Until you can do this intelligibly, I'm happy to keep this thread alive if only to further demonstrate my point.

And guess what...I proofread your last post.

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