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440 Forums _ Tascam _ Us-122 Tascam

Posted by: musinou Wed 3 Sep 2003, 12:35

waht do you think about us-122 of tascam?

Posted by: acristofani Mon 8 Sep 2003, 06:59

The US-122 is frustrating as hell! Does anyone know how to even access the US-122 on the Mac Powerbook once you've downloaded it?

Posted by: xingu Mon 8 Sep 2003, 12:30


Not quite sure what you're talking about. I assume you mean that you downloaded the driver... you gotta run the installer for one. What OS are you running? (this will affect what else you need to do to 'access' the 122)

Posted by: acristofani Tue 9 Sep 2003, 07:51

I ran the installer (on OS X, by the way) but it doesn't seem to have left me with anything--no icons on the desktop, could find nothing with the Finder.

Posted by: nieuwerf Tue 9 Sep 2003, 08:47

I have been using the US122 with MetroSE. The interface and program work like a dream, no hasle in setting it up in OX10.2, and good quality recording. If you think about comparing it to Mbox, it is a valid comparison, Mbox comes with Pro tools and is twice as expensive. The US122 comes with OSX incompatible software!!!!! (The driver is OSX though). Cubasis is not for OSX yet, but if you buy a cheap sequencer/audiorecorder like Metro SE it is definitely value for money.

Good luck, Jan

Posted by: xingu Tue 9 Sep 2003, 14:52

I have a 428, so I'm just assuming that the process is similar. I'm not at home, but I'm pretty sure the "US-428 Manager" is installed in the Applications folder, and I dragged the icon to the dock from there. So, my advice is to check your Apps folder - if there's nothing Tascam or 122-related there, maybe try running the installer again...

Posted by: nieuwerf Wed 10 Sep 2003, 06:34

Yep you're right there is a US-122 manager, but it does nothing apart from defining some settings.
Recording and so on in OSX needs to be done with third party software.


Posted by: xingu Wed 10 Sep 2003, 12:30

Well, that kind of goes without saying. But Anthony never said he was trying to record something. You don't need anything extra to utilize the 122 as a "sound card", say for iTunes or Quicktime. That's why I put "access" in quotes, because we weren't really given enough information to know what it is he's trying to do. It sounds to me like he never even found the 122 manager or had any confirmation that the install was successful. But yes, you're right - recording (in OSX) will require an additional purchase. cool.gif

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