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440 Forums _ Switch PC to Mac _ Substitute For ACID

Posted by: Isomer Sat 26 Oct 2002, 21:12

I have used the program ACID for its capability to sample vocal recordings, turn them into loops and layer them on top of eachother etc.
Now that I am going to purchase a G4, I need a substitute program. It seems that Ableton's live is the closest but does it even sample? I downloaded the demo and don't see this capability anywhere. I also want to be able to zoom into the sound waves and use the parallel of the eraser tool in ACID and delete pieces etc...I am not concerned with live performance--the program Live mainly advertises itself as such a program. I want to record in-studio and edit loop based music in-studio that is ENTIRELY made of my own samples. Where can I find this in the world of Macs?

Posted by: krashid Sat 26 Oct 2002, 22:01

Try Phrazer 2.0 or LE. Its very similar to Acid. Go to

Posted by: taco6 Sun 27 Oct 2002, 15:46

Live will do anything you want it to do and more. Fianlly something for Apple users who don't know what they were missing by not having ACID. You can record in Live by the way... why don't you e-mail Ableton with your questions. Also, there is Phrazer for Mac as well...similar to ACID.

Posted by: B-Grade Tue 29 Oct 2002, 00:43

Personnaly, I don't think either works quite as well as acid. Phraser just plain doesn't work, and Live is not quite as forgiving.

Live does, however, work. And all the other stuff Live does is gravy. Too bad there is a looping bug that gets unusable in conjunction with Reason.

Another way to do this is in reason. The REX format is a little tougher to use, but has far greater creative flexibilty.

Posted by: twelve Tue 29 Oct 2002, 06:46

in Live you can record all your own samples, you can record all rewire software programs into live as samples, and live has a special place to hook up to a sample editing program (i used jasmine (which is free)) which i used to clean up audio.

The other option i would recommend is to use a cubase or logic and just always work in loop mode and you will have all the editing and recording options all in one program (though a tough interface to use IMHO).

Posted by: Isomer Wed 30 Oct 2002, 01:31

Thank you all for the responses. They have really helped. As far as Live is concerned, I am still confused. I have downloaded the demo and still have found no area in which to record samples, select portions of them and make loops out of them. Maybe that function is not included in the demo version. And it doesn't help that ableton doesn't respond to emails...
Phrazer seems very similar to ACID except there seems to be the same issue. I don't think it has any sampling and loop creating abilities.
I do want one program that can do everything. So I will now begin to see if Logic or Cubase will do what I need them to do.

Posted by: twelve Wed 30 Oct 2002, 06:38

You definitely can use Live to record samples, i use live exclusively for recording puposes. you probably need to select the soundcard in the preferences and then select from the pulldown above the indicator light "Live In" which will present red circles in the track. ust hit a red circle and it will record.

Posted by: shahasad Wed 30 Oct 2002, 07:04

If you double-click on a recorded sample you will see the waveform view in the lower right of thhe set window. There is a loop-marker over the sample that you can resize and place anywhere in the sample. biggrin.gif

Posted by: shahasad Wed 30 Oct 2002, 07:16

Live is an incredible song creation tool. Devoid of high-end multitrack editing a mixing capabilities in lieu of having a streamlined loop-editing and arrangement tool.

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