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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS X _ For Those About To Midi-sequence...

Posted by: Ionas Tue 26 Nov 2002, 16:39

After failing to realize my plans to buy a midi keyboard, I have been searching madly and deeply after a midi sequencer for os x. And while both Intuem and PlayerPro are cheap comparatively speaking, I need something that is cheap definitively speaking. I could not afford to spend 80 on a piece of software.

So please help this fledgling musician add some bass and drums to his meager recordings...

Posted by: Levon River Tue 26 Nov 2002, 16:50

Go to VersionTracker, type "MIDI" into their search box, and try out everything you find. There's Doggie Box, a beta drum-machine-like program for creating drum tracks. It's free for now while in beta IIRC, it even includes a default drum set, and you can create your own drum sets from samples freely available on the web.

I don't know of any *really* cheap or freeware sequencer beyond that, but there are several software MIDI controllers that are freeware or shareware that let you use your mouse and keyboard for MIDI (muMIDI is one, and there is at least one other one). Get everything you can to play around with and make whatever music you can, and flip some hamburgers for a while somewhere to get yerself one of the inexpensive USB keyboards that are starting to sprout up like mushrooms. smile.gif

A lot of us have been right where you are. Just takes the determination to get there. If you got that, you'll get there. Good luck!

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