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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Imac As A Monitor?

Posted by: drewott Tue 24 Jan 2006, 18:05

Hey all,

Quick few questions regarding a G5 monitor and networking possibilities:

Can an iMac be hooked up to a G5 & used as a monitor? Furthermore, can you network the two (while using the iMac as a monitor) and increase computing power?

My reason for asking is that I want to get a cpu now and start learning, but will want to upgrade to the dual G5 in the relative future & don't want to feel as though I pissed money away on the iMac once I get the G5. I am hoping I can use both the iMac and the G5 together.

Any thoughts? (mind you this is not a post asking if I should buy a computer now or not, I am more interested in networking possibilities)

I would like to sincerely thank folks who respond to this post in advance. I appreciate your input biggrin.gif

Posted by: drewott Thu 26 Jan 2006, 17:32

eh... is this a stupid question?

Posted by: bcatcho Thu 26 Jan 2006, 18:11

Unfortunately the iMac's have no video input capabilites that would allow you to use it as a monitor.

Also I don't know if there are any ways to network the computers for duel processing but if there is the network better have amazing bandwith.

Finally, the iMac G5 is amazingly powerful in its own right. You might be satisfied with it (depending on what you are doing) or maybe you should just buy the duel right from the start.

Posted by: lepetitmartien Fri 27 Jan 2006, 06:16

It can't, but you can use it as a hard drive (target mode) but it's for backup/hardware upgrade sake.

Push already the limits of the iMac, the whole Mac line will change this year, if you're not in a production/commercial situation, you can wait a little, save some more cash and maybe have something better in the end. cool.gif

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