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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Powerbook Built-in Sound Card Defection

Posted by: earthlinger Wed 25 Jan 2006, 15:00

Just to inform everyone, I changed mine with Macbook Pro...



Posted by: mortalengines Fri 27 Jan 2006, 05:25

Dang...I would just wanna kill myself if my brand new, $2500+ laptop was doing this. I bought a powerbook over a year ago just because i KNEW it would sound good right out of the box.

Posted by: lepetitmartien Fri 27 Jan 2006, 06:05

If there's a problem (heard a few issues around), the more noise is made the better. If series can be found it's even better.

Apple even acknowledged the memory slot problem on powerbooks… it took a LONG time but they did.

The thread is pinned as it's a major issue.

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