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440 Forums _ RME _ Recording Audio Via Rme 9636

Posted by: ben1969 Mon 14 Oct 2002, 22:47

Havebeen trying to record audio from my digital 328 desk into rme 9636 sound card useing optical connections (adat),im using cabase5 on a g3 OS9
at the moment i am getting no signal,although im getting output from previously recorded audio recorded through the g3 apple sound manager,but now im trying to go digital its all gone pear shaped.
basicly, just want to plug in a sm58 mic via xlr input and record it into audio using my new sound card , any clue would be great
cheers ben ...

Posted by: formatj Mon 14 Oct 2002, 23:43

Have you installed the asio drivers for the RME card and then chosen the card as your audio device in Cubase?

Posted by: apbarkey Mon 21 Oct 2002, 11:23

dont forget to route it. i use the 02R. route my mic to ouput/chan 1 of the adat card. but if you don't have asio drivers installed...... :-)

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