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440 Forums _ Presonus _ Presonus Firebox

Posted by: manuel Loos Thu 13 Apr 2006, 21:00

hi there,

i got a problem recording 4 tracks simultaneously on CUBASE SE and Logic express with my FIREBOX.
for some minutes (sometimes up to 20) it works fine, but then the recording stops, my computer tells me
a) ASIO is out of Sync! (Cubase SE)
b) system overload, disk too slow ..... (Logic)

i use a ibook G4, 1,2 MHz, 768 Mbyte RAM.
the recordings are without any other trracks played back and no plugIns are used.

does anybody know what this could be? is it the "slow" processor i am using?

thank you for an answer!!

Posted by: arvidtp Thu 13 Apr 2006, 21:56

weird. I've been able to do much longer recordings with my firebox on my powerbook 1.25GHz...

how much disk space have you left? Are you running in "highest performance" in energy saver? and for that processor, I assume you mean 1,2 GHz smile.gif

Posted by: manuel Loos Thu 13 Apr 2006, 22:32

hey, thanx for answering

yes, itīs 1,2 Ghz.....
itīs not a problem of disc-space, it is a "system overload"-thing...
I do run in "highest performance".
the point is, recording 2 tracks simultaneously is no problem.
i agree, it is weird..

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