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440 Forums _ Reason _ Using Reason As A Live Sampler/synth

Posted by: ChrispyT Mon 28 Jul 2003, 12:44

Hello fellow MacMusicians,

Does anyone know how to use midi controllers to select actual synths and samplers in reason??? The track pad on my laptop is too fiddly for live performance as I need pretty quick changes. I have a Roland RD-500 connected to my G3 powerbook. The 12 sound bank buttons (with 10 variations each - approx 128 choices) on my Roland RD-500 selects the sounds in Absynth, but I don't know how to get these same 12 buttons to operate in a similar way with Reason. ie, choose either a NN-19 or a Subtractor with sounds all preset and ready to go.
I also have a midi FX selector pedal (Pedals: Up, Down ,1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. withone midi out) that I hardly use. Can this be used with the setup?

Looking forward to your solutions or suggestions.

Chrispy T

Posted by: megahurt Tue 29 Jul 2003, 00:58

I use Reason live with an oxygen 8 controller. I have a seperate NN-XT sampler in the rack for each song, so between songs, i just have to click next to the sampler to activate it.

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