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440 Forums _ Comments _ Apple Introduces 17-inch MacBook Pro

Posted by: news Mon 24 Apr 2006, 16:29

Comments about:

Posted by: Jsegura Mon 24 Apr 2006, 16:29

Now, add more speed and less heat please.

Posted by: lepetitmartien Tue 25 Apr 2006, 02:13

The 2 major points (save the faults in the descriptions on apple website…)

- 1GB of RAM (at last!)
- 1 FW800 and 1 FW400 and 3 USB2 ports

Jsegura, for less heat we'll need the next generation of CPU in 6 months… For speed, they are in the laptop speedster already.

Posted by: Jsegura Tue 25 Apr 2006, 09:50

By the price that will cost, between 2600 to 3000 EU they would have of being faster than any PC. There is PC with the same CPU. I have been 15 years working with Apple, and I 'm customary to hope most difficult of Mac. I have configurations to play in live that with the Book Pro don't work. I work with G5 2.5 Dual. I want that Apple surpasses to the G5 in Book Pro. With the price almost it has obtained it. Now it must do it with the features.

Posted by: Jibreel Tue 25 Apr 2006, 17:14


Let me get this straight here.

Your saying that the new Mac Book Pros are not faster then the G5?
I would like to know too since th price is so high , can anyone realy confirm ?

I do know that if heat is a issue the speed decreases incredibly which means its useless when your realy trying to work.

And what Mac would anyone recomend at this time that is the most efficiant for music or and video?

Posted by: Jsegura Tue 25 Apr 2006, 18:42

G5 dual (Power Altivec) 2.5 Ghz is faster than MacBook Pro. There is no comparison.

Posted by: Jibreel Tue 25 Apr 2006, 21:22

Peace all

Sure the G5 is the fastest, but also the largest Mac ever.

Would anyone suggest a more portable mac that can be sollid for live and recording?

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