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440 Forums _ Comments _ Virtual Bassist coming soon

Posted by: news Thu 6 Jan 2005, 19:01

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Posted by: natobasso Thu 6 Jan 2005, 19:01

You can't ever replace a bass player! smile.gif

Posted by: Jibril Sat 8 Jan 2005, 13:00

QUOTE (natobasso @ Jan 6 2005, 19:01)
You can't ever replace a bass player! smile.gif

Sure you can, and with more basses, bass lines, and hooks that no one has to put up with a wanted bass add, bad bass players, one kind of bass or bass sound

for the most part its practicall to lay a ghost track, better then nothing due to waiting around or lack of basses.

Th virtuel guitar also only proved how simple guitar playing was and that the rest depended on a real good player, so im sure the bass will be easier and more usefull then the VG, which i found useless for me.

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