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440 Forums _ Open Bar _ Nice!!!

Posted by: studiojoe Wed 26 Jan 2005, 18:59

I just wanted to say how nice it is to be on a forum where people actually know what is going on with audio and actually know that anything done correct should be done on a mac. You have no idea how happy this makes me. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif laugh.gif biggrin.gif rolleyes.gif tongue.gif blink.gif

Posted by: WaveGen Wed 26 Jan 2005, 19:03

Me too!

I am switching this week to Mac. I dont know how to use it, have no software, and I dont know if my TAscam US-428 will work, but IM SWITCHING ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This forum will come in handy!)

Posted by: studiojoe Wed 26 Jan 2005, 19:38

what program are you using? cubase? Logic? ProTools?

Posted by: WaveGen Wed 26 Jan 2005, 19:43

On PC, I was using Sonar... now I dont know which to go to that will be easy to learn and work with mt hardware .

Posted by: studiojoe Wed 26 Jan 2005, 20:19

cubase usually has the stuff for all the tascam components, or you could go protools and that will do it all, but is more expensive

Posted by: swilder Thu 27 Jan 2005, 04:58

also keep in mind that just like windows, macs have some low cost alternatives to dip your toes into. Intuem and Metro are two programs that do some cool audio recording and don't break the bank.


Posted by: editbrain Thu 27 Jan 2005, 15:52

if you go protools then you have to buy new hardware. Mbox or Digi02 something like that. not a cheap move. you have a tascam us-428 that will work with mac just go to tascam and get the driver.
i would suggest logic. if you were using sonar producer then you will really enjoy logic's power and functionality. it is a beast in its own though.
metro though never using it seems to be a good cheap alturnative.
cubase ran bad for me when i demo'd it.
i am a logic user so that is my mainstay.

Posted by: kaboombahchuck Thu 27 Jan 2005, 16:07

I am a Metro user.. Ease of use is just the tip of the iceberg..
BTW, it used to be a Cake Walk product, now it has gone back to Sagan! Yaaaay!
There are several different levels to choose from,. depending on your needs.
Oh, and it will work with just about any external (or internal software) device there is, including tascam.....

Posted by: editbrain Fri 28 Jan 2005, 15:40

i did not mean that metro is cheap, but less money than logic for much if not the same features.


Posted by: kactus Fri 28 Jan 2005, 17:44

QUOTE (kaboombahchuck @ Jan 27 2005, 15:07)
I am a Metro user.. Ease of use is just the tip of the iceberg..
BTW, it used to be a Cake Walk product, now it has gone back to Sagan! Yaaaay!
There are several different levels to choose from,. depending on your needs.
Oh, and it will work with just about any external (or internal software) device there is, including tascam.....

...And a long time ago, like 10 or more years, Metro used to be the Midi companion for Deck(now a bias product),
wich is a nice audio multitrack recorder (very simple) that accepts almost every card/interface that you can think,
back in those days it was like the "poorman" protools. Only imports midi files (doesn't record midi)... smile.gif

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